Bicycling for Transportation
Since 2013, the League of American Bicyclists has certified that the University of Louisville is a Bicycle Friendly University at the Silver level!
What to Know about Biking to UofL
UofL certified as Silver-level Bicycle Friendly University for third time (UofL Sustainability News, March 16, 2022)
See the League's 2017 feedback report for what UofL needs to do to increase our Bike-Friendliness.
UofL Bike Parking MapDon't get your bike stolen! Lock Properly:
UofL Named 1 of 9 Great Colleges for Cyclists (Bicycling Magazine, Dec. 2013)
Take the Louisville Sustainability Bike Tour from UofL
Six D.I.Y. Bike Fix-It Stations are available 24/7 on Belknap & Health Sciences Campuses! For help with repairs, scan the QR code at the top, or get the Bike Repair App for iPhone.
2024-25 Bike Mechanic Interns:
Blair Pickle (859-868-7523)
Sam Shaw (270-875-1212)
Caleb Myers (440-321-9347)
- Biking is fun, healthy, cheap, non-polluting transportation!
- You don’t have to dress funny or buy expensive gear.
- Need a bike, bike repair, or accessories? Find local bike shops
- Go multimodal! You can take your bike on any TARC bus and ride free with UofL ID!
- Plan ahead with these handy bike commuter tips.
- Find bike lanes, paths, and safer routes with the Louisville Bike Map or Cardinal Directions.
- If needed, showers are available at UofL gyms. The Clinical & Translational Research Building (HSC), and the basement of College of Music (Belknap) also have restrooms with showers.
- Report debris or potholes in Louisville bike lanes/paths: Call MetroCall at 311 or (502) 574-5000; email MetroCall; use the online customer service portal; or download the mobile app to report issues on the go, with built-in image capture and GPS: iPhone / Android / Windows Phone.
- Share Campus Pathways Responsibly: On campus pathways, cyclists are encouraged to slow down, signal when passing, and always yield to pedestrians, no matter where they are. In line with our Bicycle Master Plan, UofL has designated pathways through Belknap campus to help reduce potential bike-pedestrian conflicts. All routes are designed to be two-way.
- Register your bike with UofL before parking it on campus. Having this information on file will increase the likelihood of recovery in the event of theft or impoundment.
- Register your commute! Any employee who regularly commutes via bike, bus, carpool, or vanpool can register for the free Emergency Ride Home program providing 100% of the cost of an emergency Uber/Lyft/taxi ride home up to four times per year! You can even stop to pick up the kids on the way home!
Lock your bike with a U-lock! Bikes are a common target for theft at UofL, so be sure to lock your ride up securely.
1. Use a sturdy U-lock rather than a cable or chain which is easier to cut. If you don't have one, SGA now offers free bike lock rentals for students!
2. Always lock your bike frame to the rack and, if possible, lock the wheels as well.
3. Use campus bike racks. Do not lock your bike to railings or blocking handicap ramps or exits. Interactive UofL Bike Parking Map
4. Space in UofL bike racks is limited and they are not intended for long-term storage. According to UofL's Abandoned Bikes Policy, bikes will be periodically impounded by Parking Enforcement after notification is left on the bike. To retrieve a bike from impoundment, call (502) 852-PARK (7275).
5. Those at HSC have an option for super-secure indoor bike storage at the parking garage for the J.D. Nichols Campus for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, at Jefferson and Preston streets. Anyone may rent access to the secure bike cage for $10/month or get your own bike locker for $15/month. For leasing information, contact: or call 502-569-1581. -
Keep it Rolling!
• Six Bike Fix-It Stations with basic tools and a pump have been installed on campus (at Humanities, SAC/Red Barn Plaza, SRC, University Tower Apartments, downtown at HSC Kornhauser plaza, and inside the parking garage at the J.D. Nichols Campus (Jefferson & Preston street). For help with repairs, scan the QR code on the Fixit to view detailed instructions, or download the Bike Repair App for iPhone. If you notice a damaged or malfunctioning UofL bike fix-it station, please contact our Bike Mechanic Interns, and indicate the station location and issue.
• Falls City Community Bikeworks is located roughly mid-way between UofL's Belknap campus and Health Science Center. The not-for-profit community bike shop is at 1217 Logan Street (just south of Oak) and provides free access to the space, tools and expertise needed to learn and practice bicycle maintenance in a non-discriminatory environment open to all. This is also the best place in town for used bikes and parts. The shop offers refurbished bicycles, used parts, and low-cost supplies not available at most for-profit bike shops. -
Ride with others! Whether you're a new or experienced rider, Louisville offers many opportunities for group rides and workshops to give cyclists the skills, knowledge, and confidence to ride safely on our roadways:
1. The Louisville Bicycle Club regularly offers New Rider Clinics and endless group ride opportunities for all skill levels.
2. Bikes, Cruise & Brews organizes casual weekly bike rides around the city of Louisville with an opportunity to network and meet new people.
3. Streets For People advocates for safer streets for all and offers a network of fellow bicyclists and pedestrians.
UofL BikeShare
- Use your UofL ID to check out a bike, lock, and helmet for free for the day! Some bikes have racks for carrying items. Bikes are available each day on a first-come, first-served basis from the front desk staff at the Student Rec Center on 4th Street. Bikes must be returned before the SRC closes for the day.
- A limited number of restored bicycles are also available to students, faculty, and staff who wish to borrow a bike and lock for the semester or longer, including employees that would like to use a bicycle instead of a motorized vehicle to do your job done on campus. Apply below.
- In all cases, whether you are checking out a bike for the day or longer, you must sign a waiver form and those who check out bikes are responsible for any theft/loss/damage, so be sure to use the u-lock provided to securely lock the bike (frame and wheel!) any time you park it.
- If you notice maintenance needs on a UofL bikeshare bike or fixit station, or if you'd like to donate a bike to the program, please contact our Bike Mechanic Interns.
- Full details on our Bikeshare page
Avoid Traffic! Map A Safer Route
- Find bike lanes, paths, and safer routes throughout Louisville! Online Louisville Bike Routes Map.
- Cardinal Directions will also help you find safer bike routes; estimate trip distances & times, as well as the calories you'll burn and carbon emissions and money you'll save; and explore all your other options when biking won't work.
Benne's bike commute to campus (UofL Sustainability News, Jan. 11, 2024)
UofL forges path to change how students commute (Courier-Journal, 9/2/16)
Latest transportation trend on campus: three wheels (UofL Today, Aug. 13, 2014)
Summer sees progress for campus cyclists(UofL Today, 8/21/13)
Keeping bike thieves at bay: Protecting yourself from bike theft(The Louisville Cardinal, 1/22/13)
Good news: Studies show bike commuting is one of the best ways to stay healthy!
What's next for UofL cyclists?
Check out UofL's Bicycle Master Plan!
Ride Safe
- Ride on streets with the flow of traffic.
- Bike predictably, signaling turns and using streets as a driver would.
- Ride in the farthest right lane that serves your destination.
- Avoid biking on city sidewalks – it’s dangerous and illegal.
- On campus paths walkers ALWAYS have the right-of-way, so bike slowly and cautiously to avoid startling or hitting them.
- Be visible – wear light colored or reflective clothes and use front/rear lights.
Avoid traffic! Map a safer, lower-traffic route with these tools:
- Find bike lanes, paths, and safer routes throughout Louisville! Online Louisville Bike Routes Map.
- Cardinal Directions will help you find safer bike routes; estimate trip distances & times, as well as the calories you'll burn and carbon emissions and money you'll save; and explore all your other options when biking won't work.
- Wear a helmet!
- Riding an electric-assist bicycle? Check out the E-Bike Smart Guide to Safe Riding!
- Get more bike safety tips , and watch these helpful bike safety videos.
- Know Why Crashes Happen. As you can see in the data below, most crashes occur when cyclists are not using the road as drivers would. Check out the helpful diagrams and videos about this on the I Am Traffic website.
Action Who is at fault? % of Accidents Bicyclist Wrong-way riding facing traffic 14% Bicyclist Left turn from the right side of the road 11% Bicyclist Failure to yield from driveway 9% Bicyclist Running a stop sign or signal 8% Bicyclist Swerving in front of car * 5% Total Bicyclist at fault 47% Motorist Left turn in front of the bicyclist 13% Motorist Right turn in front of the bicyclist 11% Motorist Running a stop sign or signal 8% Motorist Opening car door into path of bicyclist 7% Motorist Failure to yield from driveway 6% Motorist Didn’t see cyclist* 3% Total Motorist at fault 48% Undetermined 5%
Helpful Gear
- Helmet
- Sturdy U-lock
- Front (white) and rear (red) lights
- Rear rack with panniers (saddlebags)
- Rear-view mirror
- Reflective vest
- Leg band (keeps pant leg clean)
- Water bottle cage with bottle
- Rain jacket and rain pants
- Fenders
- Mini-pump, patch kit, and multi-tool
- Clothes that wick moisture (not cotton)
- Winter: Dress in layers, thermal headband, gloves
UofL Bike Map
View an interactive Bike Map for all three UofL campuses showing where to find bike parking, fix-it stations, and bikeshare check-out locations! Here's what you'll see:
- RED icons indicate COVERED bike parking.
- BLUE icons indicate exposed bike parking.
- YELLOW Wrench icons indicate Bike Fix-It stations with tools and pump.
- GREEN Bike icons indicate BikeShare locations from which bikes can be checked-out free for the day with UofL ID.
Overcoming Bike Commuting Excuses

The roads aren't safe
- You are at no greater risk than driving a car. Per mile, cycling is actually much safer than driving.
- Obey traffic signs, ride on the right, signal turns, and stop at lights.
- Wear bright clothing and use lights at night.
- Wear a helmet every time you ride.
- Avoid unsafe roads. Find safer, lower-traffic routes and dedicated bike facilities with the bike directions function on GoogleMaps, Cardinal Directions, or the Online Louisville Bike Routes Map.
- Test ride your route on a weekend to find the easiest way to get there.
I'm out of shape
- Bike commuting is one of the easiest ways to get back into shape.
- Start slow, give yourself plenty of time and ride at an easy pace; in a few months you will be in great shape.
- You will improve your fitness level when you become a regular bike commuter.
- Consider investing in an electric-assist bike if you are really struggling with hills or a long commute.
Think having kids means you need a car? Think again.
How to Be a Car-Free Family
Blog: Car Free with Kids
Family Biking Guide
Photo Essay: The Biking Wittwer Family
I have to run errands
- Bolt a rack to the back of your bike to add carrying capacity.
- Make sure that you have a lock to secure your bike while you are in a building.
- Allow extra time to get to scheduled appointments.
- Take the bus (free with UofL ID) to extend your reach!
It takes too long
- The average commuter travels at 10 mph; the more you ride, the faster you will become.
- Trips of less than three miles will be quicker by bike.
- Trips of five to seven miles in urban areas may take the same time or less as by car.
- With an e-bike, you can reduce the amount of time in the saddle.
It's too far
- Even a 15-20 mile commute can be reasonable on an e-bike.
- Try riding to work and taking the bus home, then alternating the next day.
- Go multi-modal: Combine biking and riding the bus to shorten your commute. All TARC buses have bike racks and it's free with UofL ID.
- Ride to a coworker's house and carpool to work.
I have to dress up
- Keep multiple sets of clothing at work; rotate them on days you drive.
- Have work clothes cleaned at nearby laundromats or dry cleaners.
- Pack clothes with you and change at work; to avoid wrinkles, try rolling clothes instead of folding.
It's raining
- Fenders for your bike and rain gear for your body will keep you dry.
- If you are at work and a storm rolls in, take transit or carpool to get home and back; ride home the next day.
- Take transit or drive if you don't have the gear to ride comfortably in the rain.
Learn to fix your own bike with these handy instructional videos!
The Sustainability Council offers free bike tune-ups and training at campus events.
My bike is beat up
- Learning to keep your bike running smooth is easier than you might imagine. Check out these great instructional videos for Kentucky riders and these short videos on How to Check Your Bike Before You Ride - Part I (bearings) and Part II (all else).
- Six Bike Fix-It Stations with basic tools and a pump are available on UofL's Belknap and HSC campuses (at Humanities, SAC/Red Barn Plaza, Student Rec Center, University Tower Apartments and downtown at HSC Kornhauser plaza, and inside the parking garage at the J.D. Nichols Campus (Jefferson & Preston street). For help with repairs, scan the QR code on the Fixit to view detailed instructions, or download the Bike Repair App for iPhone.
- Can't fix it yourself? Get in touch with our UofL Bike Mecahnic (contact info above) for help and access to tools and parts.
- The not-for-profit Falls City Community Bikeworks located roughly mid-way between UofL's Belknap campus and Health Science Center at 1217 Logan Street (just south of Oak) provides free access to the space, tools and expertise to anyone who wishes to learn and practice bike maintenance.
- If you need professional help, identify bike shops near your route. Here's a listing of area bike shops.
No bike parking
- Find covered and uncovered racks all over campus with our Interactive UofL Bike Parking Map
- Look around for a storage area in your building or office.
- Stash your bike in a covered, secure place such as a closet or even your office.
- Formally request that your employer provide bike parking or lock it up outside.
No showers
- Most commuters don't shower at work; ride at an easy pace to stay cool and dry.
- If you want a workout, ride home at a fast pace and shower when you get home.
- UofL gyms offer showers if you need them. The Clinical & Translational Research Building (HSC), and the basement of College of Music also have restrooms with showers.
These tips brought to you by the League of American Bicyclists. Get more tips here.
Annual Bike Challenges!
National Bike Challenge!
But every year since 2014, UofL has encouraged students, employees, spouses, and retirees to saddle up and ride for team UofL in the National Bike Challenge which used to run annually May 1st to September 30th! In 2022, things shifted to a Bike Month Challenge in May and a Cycle September Challenge to kick-off the fall. Participating is a way to show your support for a healthy lifestyle and sustainable transportation. Register for the National Bike Challenges and Join Team UofL as an individual to compete against your peers. Your miles cycled will count towards the University of Louisville total, as well as qualify you for great prizes through Get Healthy Now, including the grand prize of a shopping spree at a local bike shop, co-sponsored by UofL's Sustainability Council!
2024 Cycle September RESULTS:Rachel Singel wins Cycle September and Justin Mog tops nation in bike commuting, as Team UofL pedals more than ever! (UofL Sustainability News, Oct. 2, 2024)
Team UofL had a blast and made an impact in Cycle September 2024, locally co-sponsored by Get Healthy Now, and UofL's Sustainability Council. Together, from September 1-30, we rode a total of 5,191 miles on a record 496 rides, with 1010 miles of bike commuting preventing 649 pounds of carbon pollution! Congratulations to our $200 bike shopping spree winner, Associate Professor of Fine Arts, Rachel Singel, who hopped on her bike more than anyone else, taking the most trips (61), was the 3rd best bike commuter (69 miles over 16 days), and pedaled the 16th most miles (148). Kudos also go to Juan Tabares Tamayo, who once again logged the most miles (578), and top bike commuter Justin Mog, who finished the month as the best Bike Commuter in the nation!, pedaling a total of 479 miles with bike commutes every day of the month!
2024 Bike Month Challenge RESULTS:
Team UofL pedals 6100 miles over 381 rides during the Bike Month Challenge! (UofL Sustainability News, June 5, 2024)
Throughout May 2024, Team UofL racked up tons of fun, fitness, and cleaner air, all on two wheels. At the finish line, IT’s Robin Houze took the yellow jersey with 577 miles over 18 bike rides, though IT’s Kevin Wood drafted close behind with 542 miles over 15 rides. Justin Mog in the Provost’s Office logged the most rides and the most bike commutes (28, 365mi), with School of Dentistry’s Clinton Coulter in 2nd with 26 rides, 10 commutes, 218 miles. Congrats to all.
2023 Cycle September RESULTS:
Clinton Coulter wins Cycle September as Team UofL keeps more carbon out of the atmosphere than ever!Team UofL pedaled 5,910 miles on 451 rides, with a record 1089 miles of bike commuting preventing 700 pounds of carbon pollution during Cycle September 2023. UofL’s Sustainability Council & Get Healthy Now congratulate our $200 bike shopping spree winner, Dentistry Systems Analyst, Clinton Coulter, who pedaled the 2nd most trips (49), 6th most miles (387), & was the 3rd best bike commuter (369mi, 21 days). Kudos also go to Juan Tabares Tamayo (most miles), Jason Naylor (most trips), and top bike commuters Justin Mog & Rachel Singel. Dr. Mog finished the month as the 3rd best Bike Commuter in the nation!
2023 Bike Month Challenge RESULTS:Chloe Forsting wins Bike Month Challenge as Team UofL pedaled 5351 miles!
At the finish line, Ekstrom Library Assistant, Chloe Forsting, wore the yellow jersey for Team UofL. Throughout May 2023, Chloe not only racked up the most bike trips (49), but finished second Bike Commuter (117mi, 21 days), and 14th in total miles (132). Team UofL's collective impact: 5351 miles (753mi commuting), 445 bike trips (137 bike commutes), and 484lbs carbon pollution avoided. Shout-out to top Bike Commuter, Justin Mog (333mi); most miles, Taylor Smith (650mi); and 2nd place Rachel Butler (509mi, 45 trips). Dr. Mog finished the month as the 2nd best Bike Commuter in the nation!
2022 Cycle September RESULTS:Rachel Butler wins Cycle September as Team UofL pedaled nearly 6,000 miles
Team UofL pedaled a total of 5,988 miles on 531 rides, with 163 bike commutes preventing 555 pounds of carbon pollution during Cycle September. UofL’s Sustainability Council & Get Healthy Now congratulate our $200 bike shopping spree winner, Psychology Postdoc Rachel Butler, who took the most trips (56) & pedaled the 3rd most miles (493), with 5th most days bike commuting (9). Kudos also go to Juan Tabares Tamayo (most miles), DJ Biddle (2nd most miles), and top bike commuters Justin Mog (30 days, 378 miles) & Dan Delaney (12 days, 105 miles). Dr. Mog finished the month as the 2nd best Bike Commuter in the nation!
2022 Bike Month Challenge RESULTS:Juan Tabares Tamayo pedaled 795mi as Team UofL's Champion in the 2022 Bike Month Challenge!
Current faculty, staff & students on Team UofL pedaled a total of 4,960 miles on 325 rides, including 61 bike commutes totaling 537mi & preventing 345lbs of carbon pollution during the Bike Month Challenge in May 2022!! UofL’s Sustainability Council & Get Healthy Now congratulate our Grand Champion, Juan Tabares Tamayo, a Graduate Research Assistant in Civil & Environmental Engineering, who pedaled the most miles (795). Kudos also go to DJ Biddle for taking the most bike trips (31), to Justin Mog who bike commuted the most (410mi over 30 days), and to Rachel Singel for finishing as the 3rd most frequent rider (29 trips) & 2nd most bike commutes (60 miles in 13 trips)! Great work, everyone! Keep pedaling and we look forward to having you join us for Cycle September, when another $200 bike shop voucher will be up for grabs!!
2021 National Bike Challenge RESULTS:Team UofL had a blast and made an impact in the 2021 National Bike Challenge, co-sponsored by Get Healthy Now, and UofL's Sustainability Council. Together, from May through September, we rode 36,689 miles on 2,333 rides, including 2,850 miles of bike commuting that prevented 1,831 pounds of carbon pollution. Congrats to our Grand Prize winner, DJ Biddle, Dir. of Center for GIS, who rode 2,655 miles over 109 rides (including 2 days of bike commuting) to earn a $400 voucher to a local bike shop. Honorable mentions to last year’s winner, Kamila Bujko, who has since left UofL, but logged 4,092 miles over 163 trips this year; and to our Top Bike Commuter, UofL’s Sustainability Coordinator, Justin Mog, who finished as the 7th Top Commuter in the nation with 1,677 miles of bike commuting over 123 days.
2020 National Bike Challenge RESULTS:From May through September 2020, Team UofL pedaled a total of 24,840 miles on 1,871 rides, with 478 bike commutes preventing 2,083 pounds of carbon pollution during the National Bike Challenge. UofL’s Sustainability Council & Get Healthy Now congratulate our Grand Champion, Kamila Bujko, Visiting Scholar at the Cancer Center, who pedaled the most miles (4,326) over the 2nd most bike rides (192) and the 4th most bike commutes. Kudos also go to runners-up Melissa Miller, Justin Mog, and Rachel Singel.
2019 Bike Challenge grand prize winner, Emily Coleman
2019 National Bike Challenge RESULTS:
Congrats to Emily Coleman, UofL’s National Bike Challenge champion! UofL‘s Sustainability Council & Get Healthy Now tip our helmets & pass a $400 bike shop voucher to Emily Coleman, a Dental Clinic Sr Assoc, who finished 1st for Team UofL in the 2019 National Bike Challenge. Emily was the 3rd best bike commuter in KY (328mi in 92 commute trips) & the 4th best cyclist overall (680 miles in 237 bike trips). Emily burned 25,151 calories & prevented 236lbs of carbon pollution May to Sept. As Emily says, "I ride because it makes me and the environment feel better."
2018 National Bike Challenge RESULTS:
Grand Prize Winner: David King - rode a total of 2,604 miles in 119 days of riding to equal a grand total of 4,985 points.
2018 Collective Impact:
• Overall Participants: 29
• Total Miles: 24,660
• Total Days Rode: 1,491
• Total Points Accumulated: 54,4802017 National Bike Challenge RESULTS:
Grand Prize Winner:David King, Associate University Counsel (4,984 points, 119 days ridden)
2nd Place: Andrew Ulliman (4,487 points, 133 days ridden)
3rd Place: Justin Mog (4,379 points, 130 days ridden)
2016 National Bike Challenge RESULTS:
Grand Prize Winner: Michiel A. "Riaan" van Zyl, Assoc Dean in Kent School Admin (5,322 points)
Leader of the Pack: David King (2,262 points during 1st half of challenge, 5,261 total points)
Most Improved: Justin Mog (2,122 points during 2nd half of challenge, 3,992 total points)
2016 National Bike Challenge Grand Prize Winner, Michiel A. "Riaan" van Zyl, collects his $400 bike shop voucher!
2016 Collective Impact:
• 25 Active Riders
• 19,747.5 Miles (16% Transportation; 84% Recreation)
• 39,187 Points
• #107 National Rank of Workplaces
• 1,070,447 Calories Burned
• $1,787 Dollars Saved
• 2,847 Pounds Carbon Emissions Prevented
2015 National Bike Challenge RESULTS: In 2015, we logged in a total of 34,618 miles as a university with 46 members logging their miles consistently throughout the challenge. Congratulations to the participants who earned our 2015 bike challenge incentives:
• Biggest Mover - David King with 5,552 total points.
• Leader of the Pack – Robin Houze with 3,686 points during the first half of the challenge.
• Most Improved – Dan Vivian with 3,056 points during the second half of the challenge.
Louisville Bike Month Challenge
- Various UofL teams participated in this annual May challenge that ran 2010-13. It was designed to encourage people to get out of their cars and ride through a friendly competition of logging trips by bike. Each year, three UofL teams finished in the top half of the rankings!
- Three UofL Teams competed in Louisville’s Bike Month Challenge May 1-16, 2013: Get Healthy Now, UofL IT Gears & Wheels, and UofL Sustainability Council Crankers.
- Results of the 2012 Louisville Bicycle Challenge (May 1-17):
1. Speed School Jeep Dodgers (4th place, 144 trips, 557 miles)
2. UofL Sustainability Council Crankers (5th place, 133 trips, 300 miles)
3. UofL Bicyclists (7th place, 68 trips, 202 miles)
Fall 2011 Bike to Work Day: After Mayor Fischer rode his bike to work for National Bike to Work Day on May 20th, 2011, he immediately said, "This is great, we have to do this more often." So, we did. Friday, Sept. 30th, 2011 was Louisville's first ever FALL bike to work day and UofL was an active participant!
>> UofL finished fourth (with 135 trips) in Louisville’s first-ever FALL Bike Commuter Challenge September 16-29, 2011. Check out the final scoreboard.
UofL Bicycle Advisory Committee
PURPOSE AND SCOPE: The purpose of the UofL Bicycle Advisory Committee is to recommend, assess, and evaluate options for the UofL community that enable the University to safely, effectively and responsively advance bicycling within the university community. The committee makes recommendations to the Operations Committee within the UofL Sustainability Council structure.
OBJECTIVES: To develop effective and safe options for making UofL a more bicycle friendly university. To establish policies, plans, programs, and procedures regarding bicycle transportation on and around our campuses that will promote safe and convenient bicycling. Improvements are expected in safety, infrastructure, education, and usage.
COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP: The Committee is open to all interested participants and shall seek participation from representatives of:
- Bicycle User Groups
- Law enforcement / public safety
- Student government
- University Planning, Design & Construction
- Facility services / Parking & Transportation
- Campus Health and Get Healthy Now
- Local government staff
- Faculty/researchers
- UofL Cycling racing team/club
- International Student Affairs
- Office of Diversity & Inclusion
MEETINGS AND AGENDA: Regular meetings will be held throughout the academic year. All Committee members will be encouraged to suggest agenda items. The Committee Chair may cancel regular meetings when necessary. Special or emergency meetings may be called by the Committee Chair.
JOIN US and help make UofL a more bike-friendly university! Contact: Justin Mog (502-852-8575).
Pedal With The President!
From 2010-2015, the UofL Sustainability Council and Get Healthy Now organized an annual ride to campus with the University President from the official residence, Amelia Place (2515 Longest Avenue), to both Belknap campus and the Health Sciences Center.
- The 2015 Pedal With The President took place on Wednesday, Sept. 9th. Check out photos from the ride!
- The 2014 Pedal With The President for Welcome Week (Aug. 28): U of L students and staff ditch cars to bike to school with school president (WDRB, Aug. 28, 2014). Students pedal with the president (The Louisville Cardinal, Aug. 28, 2014)
- 2013 Pedal With The President for Welcome Week (Aug. 29): About 24 participants joined in. See photos from the 2013 ride! UofL president and faculty bike to work (WLKY-32).
- 2012 Pedal With The President (May 10): UofL president, employees bike to work (WLKY). See photos from the 2012 ride!
- 2011 Bike To Work Day (May 20): 17 UofL employees pedaled with the President. See photos from the 2011 ride. Watch the video for 2011.
- 2010 Bike To Work Day (May 21): video.
Recent Developments for Cyclists at UofL
- December 2024: Campus pathways get refreshed bike and pedestrian symbols and striping after 11 years
October 2024: New bike parking installed at the corner of the Humanities Quad, next to Gottschalk Hall
October 2024: Open House - Railroad Pedestrian Bicycle Crossing Feasibility Study
University Planning, Design and Construction and Luckett & Farley Architects conducted an Open House on Oct. 23, 11:30am– 1pm, in the Student Activities Center, room W117, to share information regarding a Railroad Pedestrian Bicycle Crossing Feasibility Study. The study is looking at the possibility of a pedestrian pedway over the railroad tracks behind the J.B. Speed School of Engineering with connection to the Third St. parking lot. Faculty, staff, students and the community were welcome to attend and provide feedback on design options. For more information and to ask questions, contact Kim Noltemeyer, 852-5699. -
August 2024: UofL Bikeshare Program more than doubles its inventory with donation of 150 surplus LouVelo Bikes
150 LouVelo Bikes Donated to UofL Bikeshare! (UofL Sustainability News, Aug. 30, 2024)Louisville’s citywide bike share program, LouVelo, unfortunately shut down in October 2023. Since that time, Bike Louisville and Louisville Metro Government worked hard to find a new home for the LouVelo equipment. Simply scrapping the bikes or letting them rust away in storage was not an option. Because of this, we are happy to report that 150 LouVelo bikes were donated to the University of Louisville’s bike share program, where they will be rebranded and lent to students, faculty, and staff in need of active, reliable, and sustainable transportation! Thanks to the team at Public Works for their help loading and delivering the bikes and all of the volunteers who came out to help. To see a video of the 150-bike delivery click here: Check Out the Bike Delivery!
Pedal power: 150 LouVelo bikes donated to the University of Louisville (Spectrum News 1, Sept. 23, 2024) -
July 2024: UofL installs raised table crossing on Floyd St. near Denny Crum Hall
During the week of July 15-19th, UofL constructed of a new speed table with crosswalk on Floyd Street, just south of Eastern Pkwy in order to facilitate traffic calming and to create a safer pedestrian crossing for students living in Denny Crum Hall to access the rest of campus.
May 2024: Public Meeting: 3rd Street Traffic and Pedestrian Safety Project
Thursday, May 9th, 5:30-7:30pm, SAC W118
The University of Louisville, in coordination with the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet and Louisville Metro, and with financial assistance from the Federal Highway Administration, is designing a project that would improve vehicular safety and traffic operations and improve pedestrian and cyclist safety and connectivity on the northwest side of Belknap Campus, primarily along 3rd Street (and the connector to 2nd Street) from Eastern Parkway to W. Cardinal Boulevard. The current road design is a four-lane highway that encourages speeding and offers no accommodations for bicyclists, transit users, or pedestrians wishing to cross this busy road. A public meeting about the project will take place Thursday, May 9, 5:30-7:30 p.m., at the Student Activities Center, room W118. See the project website for details and to ask questions.
December 2023: Transportation Grants Launch 2-Way Street Conversions of 2nd & 3rd Streets
In mid-December 2023, local leaders announced the award of a $7.5 million grant from the Department of Transportation Safe Streets For All (SS4A) for 2-way street conversions of two vital routes to UofL's Belknap campus, 2nd and 3rd Streets from Cardinal Boulevard to Broadway. 3rd Street will become the primary route for traffic, and will see enhancements like: curb extensions near intersections, retroreflective backplates on traffic lights, sidewalk ramps, and ladder-style striping at crosswalks. Meanwhile, 2nd Street will see its intersections converted to four-way stops, including three that will swap traffic lights for stop signs. The project aims to lower driving speeds and improve overall safety in the area, particularly for pedestrians and bicyclists. The overall funding will be $12.5 million, which includes a Kentucky Transportation Cabinet grant of $2.5 million and Louisville Metro Government funds of $2.5 million. This initiative has been discussed for years. Engineering studies have been completed. Mayor Craig Greenberg noted," This project will transform 2nd and 3rd Streets, converting one-ways to two-way streets, adding bike and turn lanes, making significant safety improvements at intersections from UofL to Broadway." He thanked Senator Mitch McConnell and Congressman Morgan McGarvey for their help in securing this federal funding. The SS4A funding was established through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act in 2021. Kentucky Secretary of Transportation Jim Gray, said "We proudly support the project's goal to enhance safety for all road users while advancing equity, sustainability and job creation in our state's most populated city." Public Works Director, Jennifer Caummisar-Kern, said " This project is critical to the success of our Vision Zero Louisville safety initiative." It will help reduce fatal and serious injury crashes and improve safety for all modes of transportation. Design work will begin in the summer of 2024 with construction work scheduled for early 2027.
December 2023: Four Intersections near campus converted to 4-Way Stops
On December 18, 2023, Metro Public Works converted four intersections just north of Belknap Campus on the bike route to HSC into 4-Way Stops as a traffic calming measure. They are:
1) Brook Street at Burnett Avenue (near Burger Boy Restaurant)
2) Brook Street at Magnolia Avenue ( near 1401 S Brook)
3) First Street at Magnolia Avenue (near 1400 S First)
4) First Street at Burnett Avenue (near Soul Unalome Collective)
As with previous 4-way stop conversions along 7th Street, the traffic signals will be set to blink, once the 4-say Stop Signs are in place, just as a way to acclimate drivers to the change. This will improve the safety and calm traffic along a key bicycle and pedestrian corridor between UofL's campuses. -
Neighborhoods around UofL achieve highest scores in Louisville for walkability, bikeability, and transit access (Courier-Journal, Dec. 19, 2023)
October 2023: Louisville’s bike share program, LouVelo, will shut down at end of October (WAVE, Oct. 4, 2023)
LouVelo, the city-wide bikeshare system that UofL helped launch and has always hosted stations for since its inception in 2017, shut down in October 2023. UofL remains a proponent of bikeshare and is in conversation with the city about what will replace LouVelo, as well as the future of the systems' city-owned equipment. UofL has offered to take on and maintain some of the bike fleet so as to continue loaning LouVelo bikes out to the campus community through the free UofL Bikeshare program. UofL remains hopeful that a new dock-less bikeshare system will come to Louisville and serve the campus population.
September 2022:Car-Free Trips help Team UofL win big in Cycle September and the Cards Commuter Challenge! (UofL Sustainability News, Sept. 20, 2022)
September 2022: SGA now offers free bike lock rentals for students! Students will be allowed to rent the locks for the entirety of both the fall and spring semesters. If a student is living on campus during the summer and requires an extended rental, please inform the SGA Services Vice President. If you have any questions about the rental form or the bike locks please reach out to SGA Services Vice President at
August 2022: UofL’s New Residence Hall opens in the heart of Belknap campus, with car-free, sustainable living (UofL News, Aug. 16, 2022). Another 452 beds on the south side of the SAC Ramp were opened to UofL students in the fall of 2022, offering convenient car-free living within a short walk or bike ride to classes, dining, recreation, entertainment, libraries, shops, and just about everything else students might need. The new dorm features bike parking on three sides, including covered bike parking on the west side to keep your ride out of the elements!
March 2022:
UofL certified as Silver-level Bicycle Friendly University 2021-2025 (UofL Sustainability News, March 16, 2022)
For the third time since 2013, the League of American Bicyclists has certified that the University of Louisville is a Bicycle Friendly University at the Silver level. The rating covers the period 2021-2025.
September 2021:Rightsizing project on Winkler Ave. / Taylor Blvd
The most recent road diet on an over-built four-lane road serving UofL's Belknap Campus has been implemented on Winkler Avenue, a key east-west connection feeding into the western edge of campus, where speeding has been the norm and, as a result, 3 deaths and 299 injuries have occurred in the previous five years. Four traffic lanes were reduced to two travel lanes with a center turn lane and bike lanes on both sides of Winkler from Algonquin Pkwy to 3rd Street. This traffic calming will make it safer for all road users to get to campus from the west. Full details here. -
August 2021:UofL begins a new era of on-campus housing
UofL is building over 900 beds of affordable, car-free traditional student housing in the heart of campus on both sides of the SAC Ramp. The first new residence hall opened to students in August 2021. This LEED Gold facility features bike parking at the entrances, including some covered parking to keep bikes out of the elements.
January 2021: LouVelo Bike Share now available at BAB with new connections to Bardstown Road and Logan Street Market
Bikeshare at UofL just got even more convenient for students, faculty, staff, and guests looking to minimize their environmental impact and maximize the health impact of their transportation choices! To kick off the new year, in early 2021, in consultation with UofL authorities, Louisville's city-wide public bikeshare service, LouVelo, relocated one of our Belknap Campus bikeshare stations out of the way of the Threlkeld Hall demolition and replacement project that has snarled movement around the SAC Clocktower.The new location is just a short walk away along the new Brook Street pedestrian and bikeway that runs between Houchens and the Belknap Academic Building (BAB). It serves as a convenient destination for people pedaling into the heart of campus, with entrances to the SAC, BAB, Houchens, and Shumaker Research Building just a few steps away. It is also the closest bikeshare station to the central Humanities Quad. If you've never given LouVelo a spin, this is the year to do it! The system has expanded into the Highlands with stations at Logan Street Market (Kentucky St at Logan) and Bardstown Road (at Hepburn Ave).
Spring 2020: Campus Pathway Improvements: Crossings, Lighting & Ramps
In an effort to improve the safety and ease of navigating campus pathways on foot, in a wheelchair, or on bicycle, UofL is using a matching federal pedestrian transportation improvement grant to improve the quality and efficiency of outdoor lighting with LEDs (including in the railroad underpasses around campus), to standardize curb-cut ramps installed along Belknap campus pathways and sidewalks, and to improve crossings on campus such as W. Brandeis Ave. and University Blvd.
August 2019: 4th Street Viaduct Safety Improvements. The 4th Street viaduct bike and pedestrian safety improvement project involved replacement of the sidewalks and shallow drainage installations beneath the railroad overpass between Industry and Greek Way that separates Belknap Campus from student housing just south of campus. The month-long project began on Monday August 5th.
- Summer 2019: With the closure of the Get Healthy Now Wellness Center and changing priorities in Campus Housing, UofL's Free Bikeshare Program shifted from decentralized daily bike check-outs to longer-term bike loans. Details here.
March 2019: LouVelo expands across UofL's Belknap campus
The city of Louisville’s LouVelo bike sharing program is about to expand across Belknap Campus. Crews will install four new stations March 11-12 at the J.B. Speed School of Engineering, between the SAC and Threlkeld Hall, Freedom Park, and at the Floyd Street Parking Garage entrance to the SAC. A station will also be installed at The Bellamy affiliated student housing northwest of campus. The stations, which can hold a total of 12 bikes each, are in addition to off-campus LouVelo stations installed at other city locations. LouVelo debuted in the city in 2017 and the short-trip bicycles have become popular as quick, thrifty, fun and environmentally responsible ways to get around.
Justin Mog, assistant to the provost for sustainability initiatives, said of the expansion, “We are always thrilled to see more people getting to and around campus on bikes — it means one fewer car we have to park, less traffic, less danger, cleaner air and less carbon emissions, and healthier people using their muscles rather than fossil fuels to get around.” With the new stations, more than 320 bikes at 37 stations will be available to riders across the cities of Louisville and Jeffersonville, Indiana. LouVelo’s student pricing plan was originally $7.50 per month for unlimited, 60-minute rides. Bikes are checked out by membership card or app, and a student plan can be purchased at LouVelo set to expand to UofL campus (Insider Louisville, Mar. 5, 2019)
4 bike sharing service docks installed at UofL (WAVE3, March 11, 2019) - February 2019: UofL's Sustainability Council joins the Complete Streets Louisville coalition to advocate for safer, saner streets for all roadway users throughout our city.
Jan.-Aug. 2019: UofL replaces Brook Street on campus north of University Blvd with Bike & Pedestrian Plaza
The Belknap Academic Building Pedestrian Plaza project got underway in January 2019. The creation of a drive that replaces Brook Street and maintains service access to the Northwest portion of the main campus has long been desired. The transformation of this portion of Brook Street from vehicle to pedestrian traffic is a major improvement to campus. The conflicts between service and other vehicles and bike and pedestrian traffic in this area has long been dangerous and inconvenient. The creation of a pedestrian plaza to replace Brook Street will be an amenity to the campus, allowing for new greenspace, storm water infiltration in one of the most flood-prone areas of campus, and a safe, convenient corridor for those on foot or bicycle. There will be two phases of this project:
1. Phase 1 (1/1/19 - 3/15/19 $1,250,345) will create a new service drive along the railroad after demolition of the abandoned campus post office in the Houchens Building;
2. Phase 2 (3/1/19 - 8/15/19 $1,800,000) will close and depave this portion of Brook Street, install a bike path, pedestrian plaza and storm water infiltration, and plant trees and landscaping
More details are outlined on page 3 here.Phase One of Pedestrian Plaza underway (The Louisville Cardinal, March 7, 2019)
Pedestrian plaza coming to Belknap Academic Building (The Louisville Cardinal, Jan. 25, 2019)
Nov. 2018: UofL Installs new Covered Bike Parking in high demand locations!
In line with UofL's Bike Master Plan, we continued to expand and improve bike parking on campus, with the installation of two new covered bike parking areas providing out-of-the-elements parking for up to 26 bikes in two prime locations adjacent to the main entrances of the new LEED-designed Belknap Academic Building (10 bikes) and Student Activities Center west expansion (16 bikes). New racks for up to 26 bikes were also installed in an exposed location within 50' of the south entrance to the Belknap Academic Building. -
Aug. 2018: Bike & Pedestrian Lane Markings & Symbols refreshed and reinstalled on Belknap Campus pathways after some weathering and destruction by snow removal and concrete replacement.
- A new, secure, covered bike rack was installed for residents in the courtyard of Bettie Johnson Hall. -
Summer 2018: Pavement & curb-cut improvements north of Belknap Campus
Anyone rolling off Belknap Campus (on bicycle, skateboard, roller skates, wheelchairs, scooters, etc.) to the north, including those traveling between Belknap and the Health Sciences Center, got a smoother ride over the summer of 2018, when significant improvements were made to key streets and sidewalks that provide access for bicyclists and pedestrians. Repaving (including bike lanes) and complete rebuilding of intersection curb-cuts for ADA compliance was implemented on portions of Cardinal Blvd/Brandeis Ave, Brook Street, 1st Street, and 4th Street through Old Louisville.
November 2017: UofL received official designation from the League of American Bicyclists as a Silver-level Bicycle Friendly University. The designation is valid for four years 2017-2021. See feedback report for what UofL needs to do to increase our Bike-Friendliness. This marked the second time UofL achieved such designation. The first was in 2013.
- Summer 2017: UofL installs several new bike racks as part of the SAC expansion at the east/Floyd Street entrance and Starbucks/Campus Store entrance! The former racks at this location were redeployed to new locations around campus that need it, such as Schneider (Art) Hall on Belknap Campus and MedCenter One at HSC.
August 2017: Posts installed to keep cars from parking in 4th Street bike lanes
At the request of the UofL Sustainability Council, Louisville Metro installed flexible posts along 4th Street at University Pointe to address a perpetual problem of cars illegally parking in the bike lanes on both sides of the street where the roadway narrows. -
May 2017: LouVelo city-wide bikeshare launches with stations at UofL
In May 2017, Louisville Metro began installing stations around the city for its new bike share program, LouVelo. Stations have already been installed at HSC (Floyd & Abraham Flexner Way, and Floyd & Broadway) and the north side of UofL's Belknap campus (Brook & Cardinal, and 4th & Gaulbert), and more will be added across Belknap campus over the summer.
Louvelo bikes feature an upright riding position, fenders, and a comfort saddle. Anyone can jump on a Louvelo bike and easily pedal across town. With over 30 stations across Louisville, finding a Louvelo station is quick and easy. Once signed up, you can easily check out a bike and return to any station within the system. LouVelo members can access any of the 300+ bikes though a station kiosk, a smart phone or with their membership card. The first hour of use is completely free for members, with usage fees only applied to those checking out a bike for over an hour. You may check a bike into any docking station at any time to restart the clock. Checking out a bike is quick and easy, and returning it is as simple as parking the bike in the dock. The free Transit App will also allow users to locate bike share stations and buy bike share passes using their mobile device. -
Spring 2017: Hill Street Road Diet & Smoother Routes to Campus
In Spring 2017, bike lanes through Old Louisville to Belknap campus were repaved and repainted on 3rd Street (southbound) and Brook Street (northbound), providing smoother bikeway connections between Belknap campus and downtown/HSC.
After UofL hosted the following public meetings and advocated for the changes, Louisville Metro Public Works repaved a stretch of Hill Street and implemented aroad diet on Hill Street from 1st St to Meriwether. Safety for all road users was improved in this vital connector to the northeast corner of Belknap campus as four travel lanes were reduced to two with dedicated turn lanes, bike lanes in both directions, and improved intersection curb cuts and crosswalks for pedestrians.
Hill Street Blues?! Public Meetings on Redesign
Thursday, March 30th, 11:30am-1:30pm & 5-7pm, Ekstrom Library Room W210
Members of the university community and the public were encouraged to join us for this discussion with Metro Public Works about plans to repave and reconfigure an important corridor on the edge of Belknap Campus: Hill Street from 1st St to Meriwether Ave. The city sought our input on how this corridor could be reconfigured to make it safer for all road users, including drivers, transit riders, cyclists and pedestrians. We also encouraged all to participate in Bicycling For Louisville's advocacy survey to gauge public opinion about this and other potential projects in the coming months and years.
- Summer 2016: The UofL Foundation implemented Louisville's next road diet on Floyd Street through Belknap campus from Warnock to Brandeis. Floyd Street was reduced from a four-lane road that was not bike- or pedestrian-friendly to a two-lane road between Warnock and Brandeis featuring bike lanes in both directions, dedicated bus pull-outs at the Floyd Street Garage, and the replacement of an awkward, inefficient, and dangerous stoplight at Brandeis with a low-speed, yielding roundabout. The safety enhancements are expected to reduce dangerous vehicle speeds and improve traffic flow through the Floyd Street corridor.
2016: The UofL Foundation opened a new six-story, 835 space parking garage for the J.D. Nichols Campus for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, just north of UofL's Health Sciences Center, at Jefferson and Preston streets. In addition to LED lighting, daylight harvesting lighting controls and electric vehicle-charging stations, the structure features UofL's first fully-protected indoor bicycle storage with lockers and a fix-it station for bike commuters. Anyone may rent access to the secure bike cage for $10/month or get your own bike locker for $15/month. For leasing information, contact: or call 502-569-1581.
March 2016: UofL BikeShare Expands to 3 more locations, including Health Sciences Center
UofL's Sustainability Council & Campus Housing continue to expand the options for free daily checkout of bicycles on campus by students, faculty, and staff through the UofL Bikeshare program. By fixing up and recycling bikes which had been abandoned on campus, the bikeshare program has expanded to three more traditional on-campus housing locations, with free daily check-out now available for anyone with valid UofL ID at the front desks of Louisville Hall, University Tower Apartments (UTA), and the Medical-Dental Apartments at HSC downtown! This brings the total number of UofL Bikeshare locations to eleven!
Spring 2016: Expanded Covered Bike Parking
In line with UofL's Bike Master Plan, we continued to improve bike parking on campus, with the installation of two new covered racks at residential locations (Threlkeld Hall, and behind Billy Minardi Hall) and the replacement of three large, problematic fence-style racks with more secure, user-friendly staple-style racks at the Natatorium and Thrust Theater. -
Spring 2016: Campus as a Living Laboratory of Sustainability – Bike/Walk Lane Awareness Project
For his practicum project, Corey Scott, a second year graduate student in the Communications Masters Program, took on the UofL Sustainability Council as a client and surveyed 219 students about their attitudes, norms, perceived behavioral control, and behavioral intention with respect to bike/walk lanes on and around campus. The project gauged student’s awareness and opinion about the lanes we have and their intentions and desires to use them properly. Designated lanes both on campus paths and on surrounding streets were found to be of value, safe, and desirable for both pedestrians and cyclists. The study documented a strong desire to see more designated lanes installed on more paths and streets around campus. Additional recommendations from the study included implementing a communication campaign to influence attitudes about the lanes (e.g. “The safest path to success!”) and to provide confidence-building tips and training for cyclists (especially older riders) about using the streets safely. The project was advised by Communication Professors Lindsay Della & Jasmine Wang.
More Work Bikes For UofL Employees: In 2015, the Sustainability Council equipped the Grounds crew staff (2) and UofL Libraries Book Courier Service (1) with work bikes for getting around campus instead of trucks, golf carts or other polluting, unhealthy, motorized vehicles. Cool New Ride Promotes Sustainable Mail Delivery (UofL Libraries Blog, Aug. 10, 2015)
- Fall 2015: UofL's Sustainability Council expanded the options for free daily checkout of bicycles on campus by students, faculty, and staff through the UofL Bikeshare program. By fixing up and recycling bikes which had been abandoned on campus, two additional bikes were added to the existing fleet and five more bikes were used to expand the bikeshare program to traditional on-campus housing, with check-out now available for anyone with valid UofL ID at the front desks of Miller Hall, Threlkeld Hall, and Unitas Tower. New bikes were also added to the fleet available at Kurz and Bettie Johnson Halls.
- August 2015: The UofL Foundation has installed a newly reconfigured, repaved, and restriped Warnock & Brook corridor at the busy east entrance of Belknap campus which provides new facilities to make bicycling and walking safer and more pleasant! The project completed mid-August 2015 features wider, improved sidewalks; a traffic-calming median on Warnock; new ramps onto the campus pathway network from Warnock at the Lutz circle; and new bike lanes on Warnock from Floyd to Brook; on Floyd Street at Warnock; and on Brook from Warnock south all the way over two railroads to 3rd & Iowa. See photos.
June 2015: UofL opened a brand new roadway through the Belknap Engineering and Applied Sciences Research Park connecting Brook Street to Third Street at Iowa Avenue via flyover bridges across two railways, covering just over half a mile. In line with UofL's Bike Master Plan, the roadway is not over-built for cars, but rather features bike lanes and wide sidewalks on both sides of the street, providing cyclists and pedestrians a safe and pleasant way to navigate across the railways that cut across campus.
- May 2015: In an effort to further enhance the safety of the new bike lanes that were installed on 4th Street, delineator posts were installed along the outside of the lanes under the railroad crossing. As called for in our UofL's Bike Master Plan, this creates a physical separation between bikes and motorized traffic through a relatively dark and dangerous section of the roadway that connects UofL's campus to student housing and businesses south of campus. Bike counters were also installed in each lane to track usage over time.
April 2015: In line with efforts to implement our Bike Master Plan, a new mid-block pedestrian crossing with curb bulb-outs was installed at the Health Sciences Center to improve safety for walkers and cyclists crossing Preston Street at Abraham Flexner Way.
Public meetings to discuss resurfacing, bike lanes near UofL (WAVE 3 News, 7/24/14)
Fall 2014: 4th Street Road Diet from Cardinal Blvd to Industry Rd
Metro Louisville’s Department of Public Works hosted two public meetings at UofL in regard to its plans to install traffic-calming measures on 4th Street through Belknap Campus during Fall Break 2014. The plan will effect Fourth Street from Cardinal Boulevard to Industry Road (including a dangerous railway underpass) and involves the addition of buffered bike lanes in each direction; the preservation of existing dedicated turn lanes and on-street parking lanes in both directions; and reducing the roadway to one vehicular travel lane in each direction. The new roadway configuration will look much like 4th Street north of Cardinal Blvd, but with bike lanes. More information on Metro's road diet projects here. The Draft 4th Street Road Diet Plan can be viewed here.
UofL supports this change to enhance safety for all road users, particularly with the significant increase in pedestrian and bicycle traffic that has come with the new housing and Student Rec Center developments around this corridor. A new 654-bed affiliated student housing project (“The Grove”) opened in August at 4th and Industry which has also generated considerably more pedestrian and bicycle traffic along 4th Street.
Public Meetings were held at UofL's Student Recreation Center, Room 107
Wednesday August 6th, 5:30pm – 7:30pm
Friday August 8th, 11:30am – 1:30pm - In August 2014, bike lanes around UofL on Cardinal Blvd., Floyd, Brook, 1st, 3rd and Gaulbert Streets were all re-striped with a more durable thermoplastic lane marking and improved safety design. New sharrows were added to Brandeis Ave between Arthur and Floyd, completing the link between the Germantown Neighborway and the bike lanes on Cardinal Blvd.
- More Work Bikes For UofL Employees: Over summer 2014, the Sustainability Council equipped four more Physical Plant foremen, two Custodial staff, two Grounds crew staff, and the IT Help Desk staff with work bikes for getting around campus instead of trucks, golf carts or other polluting, unhealthy, motorized vehicles.
- In May 2014, the new Falls City Community Bikeworks opened roughly mid-way between UofL's Belknap campus and Health Science Center. The not-for-profit shop is at 1217 Logan Street (just south of Oak) and provides the space, tools and expertise to any community member who wishes to learn and practice bicycle maintenance. The all-volunteer shop also offers refurbished bicycles, equipment, and skills to people who cannot afford to purchase roadworthy bicycles.
- In Spring 2014, shared roadway markings for bicyclists were installed on Hancock Street, running through the eastern side of UofL's Health Science Center.
- UofL worked with Metro Public Works to launch Louisville's first Neighborway, in April 2014! The new route provides safe connectivity for cyclists between Belknap Campus and the Highlands. To access the route from UofL, simply ride east on Cardinal Blvd, which bends and becomes Brandeis Ave. After crossing under the interstate, turn right on Bradley Ave. and begin following the pavement markings which proceed left onto E Barbee Ave, then left onto Shelby St, right onto Delor Ave, left onto Hickory St, jogging across Goss onto Spratt, and then right onto Ellison Ave. Ride that up the hill and you'll arrive at Barret Ave in the Highlands!
- In spring 2014, new bike racks were installed at the main entrance to Kurz Hall, Law School courtyard, Cardinal Park on Floyd St. and at the new Nucleus building on HSC at Floyd & Market.
UofL named most bicycle-friendly university in Kentucky (UofL Today, 11/14/13)
“We will know we have made a lot of progress when you see people jogging on campus and riding their bikes.”
- President Ramsey 2002
- UofL Named 1 of 9 Great Colleges for Cyclists (Bicycling Magazine, Dec. 2013)
UofL has been named the most bicycle-friendly university in Kentucky (UofL Today, 11/14/13), earning a Silver rating in the League of American Bicyclists' Bicycle Friendly University program! The designation is valid for 2013-2017. As of Fall 2013, there are a total of 75 Bicycle Friendly Universities in 32 states and Washington, D.C. including three in Kentucky:
1. University of Louisville - Silver (New Fall 2013)
2. University of Kentucky - Bronze
3. Western Kentucky University - Bronze (New Fall 2013) - In late fall 2013, in consultation with UofL, Metro Louisville completed the installation of two new bike routes connecting Belknap campus to downtown:
1. The route to UofL's Health Sciences Center was completed with a new bike lane and shared-lane markings on Floyd Street, jogging over to the recently installed bike facilities on Brook & 1st Streets via College Street.
2. A new route has been installed to connect the northwestern edge of Belknap campus to downtown, featuring new bike lanes and shared-lane markings on W. Gaulbert Ave. and 6th and 7th Streets north to Market St. - On October 18th, 2013 UofL opened its new LEED Gold Student Recreation Center, including ample bike parking and new traffic-calming measures and a new mid-block pedestrian crossing signal on 4th Street.
In Fall 2013, the Sustainability Council continued working to implement our Bike Master Plan, which includes designated pathways through Belknap campus to help reduce potential bike-pedestrian conflicts as we increase bike traffic on campus. We began by widening the path at one bottleneck point between Lutz Hall and Schneider Hall and by installing some markings as a pilot trial on a few priority routes. All routes are designed to be two-way. The effort is intended to give everyone some guidance about how to share the pathways, to designate some priority through-routes for bikes, and to give pedestrians a signal that they share the paths with faster-moving bicycles. On campus pathways, cyclists are encouraged to moderate speed, signal when passing, and always yield to pedestrians, no matter where they are.
Summer sees progress for campus cyclists (UofL Today, Aug. 21, 2013)
Just in time for the new 2013-14 academic year, lots of great things are happening around campus to make bicycling easier, safer, and more accessible for everyone!
1. New bike lanes north-bound from Belknap campus: After two years of advocacy and community meetings organized by UofL, Metro government has just installed newbike lanes on Brook and 1st Streets through Old Louisville, providing Belknap campus with our first ever north-bound bike facility and providing improved connectivity with Health Sciences! The lanes run from Cardinal to College Street and the city has plans to complete the connectivity to HSC, but even now it’s a fairly safe, low-traffic connection from there.
2. Expanded UofL Bikeshare Program: The Sustainability Council has worked with UofL Housing over the summer to expand our bikeshare program considerably! Nine newly restored bikes (with fenders, basket, and lock) have been added to our campus bikeshare fleet and are now available for daily free check-out by any employee or student from the front desks of three residence halls along 4th Street: Community Park, Kurz Hall, and Bettie Johnson Hall. These bikes used to be available for residents only, but are now available to anyone at UofL! These bikes can be of particular help to folks on the northwest side of Belknap campus who want to get across campus, across town, or just to pop over to the new GHN Employee Wellness Center on the opposite end of campus.
3. Suffering from flat tires? The Sustainability Council is now stocking pre-glued tube patches at all five of our Bike Fix-It Stations, which offer 24-hour access to basic tools and a pump on campus (at Humanities, SAC/Red Barn Plaza, SAC Floyd St. entrance, University Tower Apartments and HSC Kornhauser plaza)! For help with repairs, scan the QR code on the Fixit to view detailed instructions, or download the Bike Repair App for iPhone.Health Promotion Tricycle
4. Find the facilities! Our interactive UofL Bike Parking Map has been updated to include the three new bike check-out locations and our new bike racks installed over the summer at several locations on Belknap and HSC. The map also indicates the Fix-it Station locations. You can also find bike lanes, paths, and safer routes throughout Louisville with the Louisville Bike Map (pdf) which now includes a UofL campus inset!
5. Foremen on two wheels: The Sustainability Council has recently equipped six Physical Plant foremen and two Parking Officers with work bikes for getting around campus instead of golf carts or other polluting, unhealthy, motorized vehicles.
6. Health Promoters on three wheels: Over the summer, the Sustainability Council equipped the Office of Health Promotion with an industrial tricycle for use by health advocates in hauling items across campus and raising awareness at campus events. The trike became known as the Random Acts of Health - "RAH Mobile," and quickly became a hit with staff and students. It has been featured in several Health Promotion videos and orientations. - On May 20th, 2013, after two years of UofL advocating for such investment, Louisville Mayor Fischer released his 2013-14 budget proposal, including $300,000 to fund bike infrastructure connecting Belknap Campus with downtown! The proposal is for 28 miles of new bike lanes, including "$300,000 for restriping roads to allow bike lanes, primarily between the University of Louisville Belknap Campus and downtown." See the Old Louisville Bike Network map here.
- In March 2013, UofL made pedestrian safety improvements to the Second Street alley and sidewalk area behind the Speed Museum parking garage by installing traffic-calming bollards and and gate, as well as the first separately designated pedestrian and bicycle/service vehicle lanes on any campus paths or alleys. In accordance with UofL's Bicycle Master Plan, the university will be installing more such improvements on campus corridors to improve pedestrian and cyclists safety.
- Fall 2012: As a part of UofL's Climate Action Plan, the Sustainability Council launches its new Earn-A-Bike Program: Forgo a parking permit for at least two years and earn a $400 bike shop voucher! Applications accepted throughout the summer each year, with vouchers awarded at the start of each Fall semester.Read story.
- Fall 2012: Bicycle lanes installed on Cardinal Boulevard between Floyd Street and 3rd Street
- In August 2012, the Sustainability Council began implementing UofL's new Bike Master Plan by installing 66 new bike racks (432 bike spaces) at numerous locations around Belknap campus (see our Interactive UofL Bike Parking Map), as well as five Bike Fix-It Stations with basic tools and a pump (at Humanities, SAC/Red Barn Plaza, SAC Floyd St. entrance, University Tower Apartments and HSC Kornhauser plaza).
- For help with repairs scan the Quick Read (QR) code on the front of the Fixit to view detailed instructions on your smart phone.
These much-needed improvements were funded through our Climate Action Plan. Learn more. - In 2012, as a direct result of UofL's Train-the-Trainers Program, funded by a grant from the Kentucky Bicycle and Bikeway Commission, Get Healthy Now offered Safe Cycling Classes for all UofL employees and participants in the Get Healthy Now program:
Location: Crawford Gym, Room 15
April 3 - May 8, 2012: Fridays, 11:00 a.m.
July 6 - August 10, 2012: Wednesdays, 2:00 p.m.
August 2 - November 6, 2012: Thursdays, 12:00 p.m.
The class was designed as a guide to various aspects of safety, such as basic equipment maintenance, skills, and rules of the road. The content was based on the League of American Bicyclists' national BikeEd program, with the central idea being "Cyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles." The class intended to help you to become a cyclist who rides with greater safety and confidence. Get Healthy Now encourages participants to ride bicycles for fun, fitness, and transportation, leading to a happier and healthier person, planet, and safer environment for all.
These new bike safety classes were made possible by funds generated through the purchase of "Share the Road" license plates by Kentucky motorists! Funding from the Paula Nye Memorial Education Grant has allowed UofL to:
1. Provide American League of Bicyclists Certified Instructors (through a subcontract with Bicycling for Louisville) to conduct free training to educators from university, high school and community organizations in bicycle safety and confident cycling, in order for them to return to their respective institutions to train students and community members; and to provide the educational and curriculum materials needed to train these educators and their future students; and
2. Create, post, and distribute bicycling maps as an additional means to educate people about safe means of bicycling on UofL campuses (reducing conflicts with pedestrians) and bicycling to campus by accessing bicycle gateways and connecting with Metro bike routes and public transit lines. You can see the results of this project in the UofL inset on new Louisville Bike Map (pdf) released March 2013!
- In line with ourBicycle Master Plan, UofL collaborated throughout 2011 with Metro Government and area neighborhood groups to create a plan for a safe network of on-street bike facilities around our campuses. We especially needed a northbound route from Cardinal Blvd that provides safe, (s)low-traffic connectivity with our Health Sciences Center and downtown. Despite resistance to the idea from Metro Public Works, we still think this is an ideal test-case for Louisville's first dedicated Bike Boulevard with limited, local-access-only auto traffic (learn about Portland, Oregon's bike boulevards with this great video). The plan for Old Louisville bike corridors developed through this process is available for review here.
- In 2011, UofL's released its first Bicycle Master Plan! As a part of our campus master planning efforts, UofL has developed comprehensive plans for making our campuses more walkable and bike-friendly and we are working with Metro government and surrounding neighborhoods to improve linkages with citywide bike routes. Our Bicycle Master Plan provides guidance for facilities, signage, surface treatments, and pathways that are designed to encourage bicycling while enhancing the safety of bicyclists and pedestrians on all three of our campuses.
- New bike racks were installed in 2010 at priority locations (most covered) on HSC and Shelby campuses. New racks were added to the Red Barn plaza / SAC west entrance in 2011; and in spring 2012, three new large racks were installed at the north entrance to Louisville Hall, and one covered rack at the west entrance to Threlkeld Hall.
- Nearly 300 employees for UofL's vendors/contractors (including Sodexo, the University Club, SSC Service Solutions, and City Café) came under UofL's agreement with TARC in Fall 2011 to allow them free access to the entire bus system.