Team UofL pedals 6100 miles over 381 rides during the Bike Month Challenge!

Bike Month Challenge

Throughout May, Team UofL racked up tons of fun, fitness, and cleaner air, all on two wheels!

At the finish line, IT’s Robin Houze wore the yellow jersey with 577 miles over 18 bike rides, though IT’s Kevin Wood drafted close behind with 542 miles over 15 rides.

Justin Mog in the Provost’s Office logged the most rides and the most bike commutes (28, 365mi), with School of Dentistry’s Clinton Coulter in 2nd with 26 rides, 10 commutes, 218 miles. Congrats to all!

Team UofL results here.

Top Riders (Most Miles)

Name Miles Trips
1st Kamila Bujko 798 39
2nd Robin Houze 577 18
3rd Kevin Wood 543 15
4th Juan David Tabares 424 17
5th Taylor Smith 406 13
6th DJ Biddle 376 14
7th Michael Taylor 365 12
8th Justin Mog 365 28
9th Colin Baker 249 8
10th Jason Naylor 244 23
11th Clinton Coulter 218 26
12th Rachel Butler 197 9
13th Tom Fougerousse 193 15
14th Jason White 136 8
15th Terry Schwartz 107 7
16th Connor Morozumi 105 6
17th Jamie Lee Pennesi 105 3
18th Dan Delaney 78 16
19th Claire Cusack 74 11
20th Whitney Theis 72 16
21st Katlyn McGraw 63 4
22nd Emma Beck 52 11
23rd Rachel Singel 51 11
24th Dave Stirling 49 2
25th Elana Nance 48 2
26th Benne Holwerda 47 14
27th John Vonhandorf 38 7
28th Michael Martin 33 14
29th Kendall Soule 30 2
30th Ryan Lloyd 18 1
31st Mike Marquette 13 1
32nd Emily Edwards 5.0 2
33rd Johnny Wise 4.8 1
34th Kenny Conrow 4.0 1
35th Rodger Payne 3.9 2
36th Melissa Miller 3.0 1
37th Sonja Faul 2.8 1

Most Bike Rides

Name Miles Trips
1st Kamila Bujko 798 39
2nd Justin Mog 365 28
3rd Clinton Coulter 218 26
4th Jason Naylor 244 23
5th Robin Houze 577 18
6th Juan David Tabares 424 17
7th Dan Delaney 78 16
8th Whitney Theis 72 16
9th Kevin Wood 543 15
10th Tom Fougerousse 193 15
11th DJ Biddle 376 14
12th Benne Holwerda 47 14
13th Michael Martin 33 14
14th Taylor Smith 406 13
15th Michael Taylor 365 12
16th Claire Cusack 74 11
17th Emma Beck 52 11
18th Rachel Singel 51 11
19th Rachel Butler 197 9
20th Colin Baker 249 8
21st Jason White 136 8
22nd Terry Schwartz 107 7
23rd John Vonhandorf 38 7
24th Connor Morozumi 105 6
25th Katlyn McGraw 63 4
26th Jamie Lee Pennesi 105 3
27th Dave Stirling 49 2
28th Elana Nance 48 2
29th Kendall Soule 30 2
30th Emily Edwards 5.0 2
31st Rodger Payne 3.9 2
32nd Ryan Lloyd 18 1
33rd Mike Marquette 13 1
34th Johnny Wise 4.8 1
35th Kenny Conrow 4.0 1
36th Melissa Miller 3.0 1
37th Sonja Faul 2.8 1

Most Bike Commutes

Name Miles Days
1st Justin Mog 365 28
2nd Clinton Coulter 168 10
3rd Rachel Singel 48 10
4th Kamila Bujko 56 9
5th Dan Delaney 63 8
6th Michael Martin 23 7
7th Benne Holwerda 20 6
8th Tom Fougerousse 42 4
9th Whitney Theis 13 3
10th Claire Cusack 5.8 2
11th Jason Naylor 4.3 1