UofL wins 2024 Campus Race To Zero Waste case study competition for Education and Awareness

Campus Race to Zero Waste 2024 Badge - Winner Education+Awareness Case StudyOn August 20, 2024, the organizers of the annual Campus Race To Zero Waste announced that the University of Louisville won the Education and Awareness category in the 2024 case study competition!

UofL's Case Study highlights our strategy of engaging the campus population in some friendly green competition through our annual Ecolympics!

The case study winners and all case studies have been posted on the website as part of the “Learn from your peers” resource.

UofL shared the spotlight with the following winners of the 2024 case study competition:

  • Education and Awareness Category: University of Louisville, Kentucky
  • Food Waste Reduction Category: University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
  • Waste Diversion Category: Macalester College, Minnesota
  • Zero Waste Category: Amherst College, Massachusetts

Upon announcement, the Campus Race to Zero Waste team said, "These campuses are doing amazing work to advance waste reduction and zero waste on campus."

All case studies serve as a best practice resource and help colleges and universities nationwide learn from our efforts which helped the University of Louisville win the Large Campus Diversion category in the Campus Race To Zero Waste in both 2024 and 2022.Campus Race To Zero Waste 1st Place Badge 2022

Campus Race to Zero Waste 2024 Badge - Winner Diversion Large Campus

To recap UofL's participation in the 2024 Campus Race To Zero Waste:

  • For the 14th year in a row, the University of Louisville took on the competition in the North American Campus Race to Zero Waste, from January 28th through March 23rd. As a part of Ecolympics 2024, students, faculty, and staff were encouraged and incentivized to take green actions and share them with others.
  • The University of Louisville took top prize for Diversion among large universities in the 2024 Campus Race to Zero Waste, with an overall landfill diversion rate of 60.6% over the eight-week competition.
  • In the Diversion category, UofL finished #1 for large campuses, top in KY, and 4th out of 81 schools with a diversion rate of 60.567%.
  • In the Food Waste organics category, UofL finished top in KY and 32nd out of 84 schools with 60.00 points.
  • In the Per Capita Classic, UofL finished top in KY and 48th out of 97 schools with a recycling rate of 7.827 lbs/person.
  • In the E-waste category, UofL finished 14th out of 19 schools by collecting 4280 lbs. of e-waste for recycling (or 0.17 lbs/person)
  • In terms of Waste Minimization, UofL finished 35th out of 109 schools with 20.8 lbs/person of total waste generated.