UofL Sustainability

The University of Louisville is committed to environmental, social & economic responsibility.

Get a Degree in Sustainability!sUStain stacked iconThe University of Louisville is committed to integrating sustainability into everything we do - from how we manage our facilities, finances and people to what we teach in the classroom and what we research in the lab.

Our vision is to create a university that is itself a living laboratory for sustainability and a campus community that leads by example and educates as much by what we do as by what we say.

Our goal is to make decisions which reflect a balanced consideration for environmental, social and economic Sustainability Compass - Nature, Economy, Society, Wellbeingresponsibility and to continually learn as we go.

Creating a more sustainable UofL is a dynamic, multi-faceted, long-term process. We have come a long way, but we recognize that there is still plenty of good work to be done.

As President Kim Schatzel stated in her first ten-minute address to her new UofL community, “Leadership is a team sport…and I ask that we work together to expand UofL’s already tremendous impact and address the great challenges of the globe today, such as climate change, global conflict, health and economic disparities, a future that is certain to include more catastrophic pandemics, sustainability, and the growing impact of mental health issues, and chronic disease.

We invite you to learn more about our on-going UofL sustainability initiatives and to explore the many ways you can get involved and help us create a better world right here, right now. Donate here to support our work!

Sustainability Council
Engagement Planning & Administration Operations Education & Research
Annual Reports Community Engagement Diversity & Affordability Bicycling Major in Sustainability
Climate Action Plan Eco-Reps Human Resources Buildings & Energy Masters in Sustainability
Contacts Events Investments Campus Gardens Academic Programs
Council Documents Get Involved Peace & Justice Composting Campus As A Living Lab
Environmental Principles Green Tips Sustainability Outreach Ethical Purchasing Continuing Ed.
Links News UofL Green Fund (Donate) Food Green Threads
Meeting Schedules Follow us on Instagram Free Store Internships
Memberships & Affiliations Follow us on  Grounds Research
Ratings & Rankings Follow us on Twitter Icon Housing Sustainability + Ecology Themed Community
UofL Sustainability Plan:
Pathway to Platinum
Follow us on TikTok Info Tech Sustainability Roundtable
Watch us on YouTubeYouTube Icon Master Planning
Read our Blog Model Green Rooms
Signup for our Newsletter Recycling
Josh Smith Sustainability Award Stormwater
Sustainability Graduation Pledge Transportation
Campus Sustainability Tour Waste Reduction

UofL Sustainability Banner

The University of Louisville is located on the ancestral homeland of the Eastern Band of the Cherokee, the Osage Nation, and the Shawnee (including the Absentee-Shawnee Tribe, the Eastern Shawnee Tribe, and the Shawnee Tribe), who suffered genocide and forced displacement from these lands. We give thanks for the longstanding relationship that Indigenous Nations have to this land and seek to learn from it in order to heal our own broken relationship with the land. We acknowledge that the University of Louisville was founded in segregation and structural racism. We lament the historical and ongoing injustices that black, indigenous, and people of color endure in this country and around the world. May our words and deeds reflect this reality and contribute to fostering more respectful relationships.
Learn more about native lands. and the indigenous peoples of Louisville and Kentucky.

Thanks to our sponsors who support UofL's Sustainability Initiatives each year!
Kroger Zero Hunger Zero WasteWestRock       Republic Services        Louisville Water Company logo     VWR logo