When |
Aug 26, 2022 05:00 PM
Sep 24, 2022 04:00 PM
Where |
Moremen Gallery (710 W. Main, Suite 201)
Contact Name |
Ying Kit Chan |
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Opening Friday, Aug. 26th 5-8pm
On View through September 24th at Moremen Gallery (710 W. Main, Suite 201)
Regular Gallery Hours: Wednesday through Saturday Noon - 4pm.
Scheduled times at your convenience by calling 502-727-3909 or sending your request to moremengallery710@gmail.com
UofL Professor of Art and Director of Graduate Studies in Studio Art, Ying Kit Chan, is an alum of the UofL Sustainability Council's Green Threads: Sustainability Across the Curriculum program.
The phrase "Not In My Backyard" is a common expression with complex meanings. It implicates environmental injustices and identifies environmental concerns as social justice issues. "Not In My Backyard" is a body of new work that follows the recent series of Deep Ecology and GeoEthics. This series further examines the interplay of environmental concerns with social, economic and political concerns. It also explores the recommendation by a group of international scientists who used the Trinity test, the world’s first nuclear explosion, to mark the start of the Anthropocene.
For over three decades, Professor Chan has been exhibiting his art work in over 200 exhibitions in the United States as well as in Hong Kong, Australia, Canada, Ecuador, Germany, Korea, Japan, England, Italy, Poland, Switzerland, Taiwan and Portugal. Professor Chan has received several public awards and fellowships including two Kentucky Arts Council Al Smith Visual Arts Fellowships (1994 and 2002), a National Endowment for the Arts/Southern Arts Federation Visual Arts Fellowship (1992), two Great Meadows Foundation Artist Development Travel Grants, and an Urban Council Fine Arts Award at the Hong Kong Contemporary Art Biennial (1977).