Ohio River Basin 2020 Summit and Symposium

The Ohio River Basin Consortium for Research and Education (ORBCRE) and
the Ohio River Basin Alliance (ORBA) Present:
Bridging Visions to Protect Our Health, Economy and Environment in the Ohio River Basin
Wednesday, September 30th - Friday, October 2nd, 2020
University of Louisville, Louisville, KY
PLEASE NOTE: We have made the decision for the conference to be virtual with the exception of the Ohio River Celebration on 9/30 at the Waterfront Botanical Gardens*.
Important Dates
Conference Registration Deadline: 9/27/20
Registration Deadline for Ohio River Celebration and Seize the Day for Ohio River Restoration: 9/30/20
Please register for multiple events at https://ohioriverbasinsummitandsymposium2020.eventbrite.com
Conference Topics Include:
Invasive species, HABS, Land Use, Populations, Ecosystem Services and Economics, Nutrients, Policy, Citizen Science, Contaminants of Emerging Concerns, Connectance between Streams and Rivers, Anthropological and Archaeological Research, Outdoor Recreation and Therapeutic Effects, Scientific Communications, Ecosystem Restoration, Abandoned Mine Impacts, Ecological Economics, Invasive Species, Aquatic Biology, ArcGIS Applications, Drought Management, Environmental Policy, Flood Management, Food, Energy and Water Nexus, Geological Science, Hydrological Modeling, Social Hydrology, Stormwater Nutrient Removal and Mitigation, Stormwater BMPs, Watershed Management, Water Quality Impairment Studies, Water Resource Engineering and Management, Story-telling and Ethnography.
The Ohio River Basin Alliance (ORBA) will be hosting a series of implementation workshops for the Ohio River Basin Plan 2020 on Wednesday September 30th. The six workshops are based on the goals of the Ohio River Basin Plan:
- Reliable Flood Control and Risk Reduction
- River Transportation Corridor
- Healthy, Productive Ecosystems
- World-Class Recreation Opportunities
- Abundant Clean Water
- Knowledge-Informed Decisions

Photos by John Nation
Wednesday, September 30th
8:30AM-4:30PM |
Ohio River Strategic Plan Virtual WorkshopsThe Ohio River Basin Alliance (ORBA) will host a series of workshops focused on implementing the goals 2020 Ohio River Basin Strategy including: Reliable Flood Control and Risk Reduction; River Transportation Corridor; Healthy, Productive Ecosystems; World-Class Recreation Opportunities; Abundant Clean Water and Knowledge-Informed Decisions. 8:30 – 8:45 AM 8:45 – 9:00 AM 9:00 – 9:30 AM 9:30 – 10:00 AM 10:00 – 10:30 AM 10:30 – 10:45 AM 10:45 – 11:15 AM 11:15 - 11:45 AM 11:45 AM – 1:00 1:00 – 1:30 PM 1:30 – 2:00 PM 2:00 – 2:15 PM 2:15 – 3:15 PM 3:15 – 3:30 PM 3:30 – 4:30 PM |
5-8 PM |
Ohio River CelebrationLocation: Waterfront Botanical Gardens* At 6:00 PM, we’ll pause in our explorations to hear short presentations from representatives of the City of Louisville, Ohio River Basin Alliance (ORBA), and Ohio River Consortium for Research and Education (ORBCRE). Also, we will present the 2020 River Keeper Award to Dr. Michael Miller, Professor of Biological Sciences at the University of Cincinnati. Read more about Dr. Miller. This event is free and open to the public, but registration is required (the number of participants is limited due to Covid-19 spread prevention guidelines, and all must wear masks). This event is also sponsored by River City Paddle Sports, Salt River Watershed Watch, and the Ohio River Recreation Trail. To register, please use this link https://ohioriverbasinsummitandsymposium2020.eventbrite.com |
Thursday, October 1st
9:00-10:00 AM
Keynote Speaker:
"Bridging the silos of environment and health: Local collaborations to improve environmental justice"During this virtual plenary session, Dr. Korfmacher will compare several case studies of communities working together to address challenges at the interface between public health and environmental quality. Her presentation promises to inspire us to plan collaboratively with community-based organizations as we work to provide clean drinking water and healthy waterways for all Ohio River Basin residents and visitors. Dr. Korfmacher is Director of the Community Engagement Core, Environmental Health Sciences Center; Associate Professor in the Department of Environmental Medicine at the University of Rochester Medical Center; and author of Bridging Silos: Collaborating for Environmental Health and Justice in Urban Communities (MIT Press, 2019). |
10:00-10:45 AMDr. Brad Collett |
"The Tennessee RiverLine: A vision for North America’s next great regional trail system" |
11:00-12:00 AM |
Bridges Toward Healing Troubled Waters: Strategies for Collaboration
Mahtaab Bagherzadeh |
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Rebecca Trueman |
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Charlie Ward |
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Ward Wilson |
1:00-2:00 PM
Covid-19 Risks through the Aquatic EnvironmentModerator: Russell Barnett, University of Louisville Envirome Institute Panel Presenters:
2:00-6:40 PM
2-2:30 |
Future Fund Land Trust: Protecting tributary streams Harmful Algal Blooms in the Ohio River |
2:30-3 |
Nine Mile Run Environmental Equity Study Mike Miller Presentation |
3-3:15 | Break |
3:15-3:45 |
Environmental Justice and the Ohio River Impacts of Climate Change on Urban Stream Water Quality |
3:45-4:15 |
Diminution of Authority and Tools for Protection of Water Quality in the Ohio River Basin Developing Watershed Watch as a Platform to Build Local Engagement with Water Resources |
4:15-4:45 |
National Rivers Project, fueled by the National River Recreation Database Investigating the Diversion of Water Salinity due to Routing of Blackbrook Creek using Watershed Model |
Poster Session |
5-5:10 | Modeling The Impact of Climate Change on Dissolved Organic Carbon in The Ohio River Basin |
5:10-5:20 | 96-Hour Acute Toxicity Test of Agricultural Runoff to Green Algae (Selenastrum capricornutum) |
5:20-5:30 | Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Stream Assessment of Twelvemile Creek, Campbell County, Kentucky |
5:30-5:40 | Gut Content Analysis of Ictalurus punctatus (Channel Catfish) in the Ohio River Alexis Brandenburg, Thomas More University |
5:40-5:50 | Is Fragment Size or Fragment Number More Important to Moth Biodiversity in Iowa Prairie Fragments? |
5:50-6 | Gut Content Analysis of Benthic Fish: How a fish's habitat effects their diet |
6-6:10 | Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis |
6:10-6:20 | Prevalence of E. coli in Urban Streams of Cabell County WV |
6:20-6:30 | Fish-Host identification of Louisiana Fatmucket, Lampsilis hydiana |
6:30-6:40 |
Advancement in Cumulative Sampling Methods For Fecal Contamination Profiling and Success Monitoring in Streams |
Friday, October 2nd
9 AM
Keynote Speaker: |
Reclaiming the Waters of the OhioHow Restoring the Ohio River Watershed Can Build a Thriving “Blue Economy” John Austin, 58, recently completed 16 years elected service on the Michigan State Board of Education, serving 6 years as President. Austin directs the Michigan Economic Center www.MECReports.org a center for ideas and network-building to advance Michigan’s economic transformation. He also serves as a Non-Resident Senior Fellow with the Brookings Institution, the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, and the Upjohn Institute where he leads these organizations efforts to support economic transformation in the American Great Lakes and Midwest region. In 2006 Austin created and directed the Great Lakes Economic Initiative for the Brookings Institution where he authored key Brookings reports that directly shaped the region’s economic development agenda including “Healthy Waters, Strong Economy” which spurred federal support for Great Lakes clean-up and restoration. Austin coined the term “Blue Economy” to describe how water innovation, reclamation and access supports new economy activity and community revitalization. Mr. Austin also Lectures on the Economy at the University of Michigan. Austin received his Master’s in Public Administration from Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, and a Bachelors from Swarthmore College in Economics & Political Science, with High Honors and Phi Beta Kappa. |
10 AM-Noon |
Seizing the Day for Ohio River RestorationA vision for science-based ecosystem restoration integrated with equity and justice Join staff from the National Wildlife Federation in an interactive discussion about a proposed science-based framework for ecosystem restoration that considers threats – including habitat loss, climate change, and others – to the Ohio River and its tributaries, impacts from those threats, and potential approaches to restoring the aquatic environment in the basin. We believe we have a historic opportunity to engage many diverse stakeholders in crafting a visionary ecosystem restoration plan for the Ohio River that leads to a strong restoration economy, supports people who have historically borne the brunt of pollution and environmental degradation – people of color, rural and low-income communities, and tribal nations – and benefits fish, wildlife, and many other species in the basin. Come prepared to offer ideas, energy, and insight. It’s going to take all of us to restore the Ohio River and the rivers, wetlands, and habitats in the 15-state region that contribute to a healthy and productive ecosystem. Working together, we can make a difference. So please join in the discussion and participate in the crafting of a visionary ecosystem restoration plan from Day 1. Meeting participation information: https://nwf-org.zoom.us/j/99932104471?pwd=SlN5M3AyWnNBR1BIY1k5SDI5L0VuQT09 Password: 378873 One tap mobile +16465588656,,99932104471# US (New York) 8884754499,,99932104471# US Toll-free |
Poster and Presentation Student Awards
Contact Information
Dr. Tamara Sluss, Conference Chair, at tamara.sluss@louisville.edu, or at 502-529-1602
Dr. David Wicks, Conference Community Activities, at Dwicks1@gmail.com, or at 502-671-3595
For sponsorship opportunities, please contact Dr. Tiao J. Chang, Executive Director of ORBCRE at chang@ohio.edu
*In-person activities at the Waterfront Botanical Gardens will be based on the current guidelines of the Jefferson County Health Department and Commonwealth of Kentucky Health Department.