Cynthia Jean and George Nichols, III AOC Scholarship

PURPOSE: Desiring to increase the number of female law enforcement officers in supervisory, command, or administrative roles—and to encourage law enforcement agencies to become more pro-active in identifying and developing more women for command positions—the donors have established the Cynthia Jean and George Nichols, III Administrative Officers Course (AOC) Scholarship Fund (G2860).

DESCRIPTION: An educational scholarship applied to the recipient’s costs of attending SPI’s Administrative Officers Course (AOC) will be awarded to up to two (2) qualified applicants per semester (“session”) who meet the criteria established below.    

CRITERIA:  Criteria for the use of this scholarship fund will be as follows:

  1. Beginning with the Spring 2021 AOC, two scholarships per session may be awarded to applicants who are in supervisory, command, or administrative roles in their agencies and who meet eligibility requirements for the AOC and admission to the University of Louisville.
  2. Applicants/recipients must be first-line supervisors or above within their organizational structures (individuals holding command, supervisory, or administrative positions in their agencies).
  3. This scholarship will be applied toward each recipient’s costs of attending the Administrative Officers Course (AOC).  These costs will include tuition, housing (on campus) and application fee not to exceed $6,500 per scholarship recipient.

SELECTION:  Recipients shall be selected through a competitive process coordinated by the Southern Police Institute at the University of Louisville.

  1. The Donors strongly prefer that two scholarships per session be awarded to women applicants who meet the eligibility requirements for SPI’s Administrative Officers Course and who are in supervisory, command, or administrative roles in their agencies. 
  2. The Donors also strongly prefer that SPI make every effort to identify one recipient within each session who is a Black female meeting the eligibility requirements.  If two qualified applicants are not identified for a specific AOC session, SPI reserves the right to make one or both awards in a future session 
  3. Preference will be given to women applicants from Kentucky agencies that may not have the financial resources to send officers for this type of training on a regular basis and/or to Kentucky agencies that have never sent a female officer to the AOC course.  In the event that no eligible applicants meet the aforementioned criteria, consideration would go to qualified applicants who are from any law enforcement agency within the United States of America.  
  4. The Director of the Southern Police Institute, or the Director’s designee, will notify the Donor and the recipient(s) of each scholarship within a reasonable time after the application deadline.


Submit an application.