J. Allen Lamb & Edward S. Pocock III Foundation Administrative Officers Course (AOC) Diversity Scholarship

PURPOSE: Desiring to increase the number of Tribal Police and underrepresented minorities in supervisory, command, or administrative roles in the SPI's Administrative Officers Course, the J. Allen Lamb & Edward S. Pocock III Foundation has established this scholarship fund.

DESCRIPTION: An educational scholarship will be awarded to a maximum of two (2) qualified applicants per AOC session who meet the criteria established below. Applications should be sent to the attention of:

Southern Police Institute
Department of Criminal Justice
College of Arts and Sciences
University of Louisville
Louisville, Kentucky 40292

The following criteria shall be established and strictly adhered to:

1. The scholarship will be applied towards the recipient's tuition, housing (on campus) and application fee, up to a maximum of $6500.
2. The applicant/recipient must be a full-time sworn law enforcement officer employed by a state, county, or municipal law enforcement agency in a U.S. state located west of the Mississippi River. Preference will be given to Tribal Police and/or underrepresented minority applicants holding command, supervisory, or administrative positions in agencies located west of the Mississippi River.
3. If no applicant meets the above criteria, the scholarship may be awarded to underrepresented minorities nationwide. (The Southern Police Institute and the J. Allen Lamb & Edward S. Pocock III Foundation reserve the right to make awards in a future session, with the scholarship funds disbursed at the time the awards are announced.)
4. The applicant/recipient must be a first-line supervisor or above within his/her organizational structure (an individual holding command, supervisory, or administrative positions in his/her agency) and meet University of Louisville admission standards for acceptance to the program.
5. The application must be from the applicant and endorsed under separate cover, on departmental letterhead, by the chief administrator of the applicant's organization demonstrating fiscal need for the scholarship funds and/or the benefit of the training program for the agency and applicant.
6. The applicant must submit a current photograph in JPEG format and agree to have the photo and scholarship award announcement published by SPI.

Submit an application