- News
- Class Officer Election for the 96th Command Officer Development Course
- 152nd AOC Class Officers Elected
- Congratulations to the Graduates of the 151st Administrative Officers Course
- Class Officer Election for the 151st AOC
- Congratulations to the Graduates of the 94th Command Officer Development Course!
- Congratulations to the Graduates of the 93rd Command Officer's Development Course!
- Congratulations to the Graduates of the 150th Administrative Officers Course
- 150th AOC Class Officers Elected
- Congratulations to the Graduates of the 149th Administrative Officers Course
- Congratulations to the Graduates of the 91st Command Officers Development Course!
- Congratulations to the Graduates of the 148th Administrative Officers Course
- Congratulations to the Class Officers of the 148th AOC!
- Congratulations to the Graduates of the 90th Command Officers Development Course!
- Congratulations to the Graduates of the 147th Administrative Officers Course
- Election of Class Officers for the 147th AOC
- Congratulations to the Graduating Class of the 89th Command Officer's Development Course!
- Congratulations to the Graduates of the 146th Administrative Officers Course
- Congratulations to the Graduates of the 145th Administrative Officers Course
- Election of Class Officers for the 146th AOC
- Election of the Class Officers for the 145th AOC
- Congratulations to the Graduates of the 86th CODC!
- Congratulations to the Graduates of the 144th Administrative Officers Course
- Election of the Class Officers of the 144th AOC
- Statement from SPI Staff
- Congratulations to the Graduates of the 143rd AOC!
- Graduating Class of the 85th Command Officer's Development Course
- Congratulations to the Graduates of the 142nd AOC!
- Election of Class Officers for the 142nd AOC
- Criminal Justice Alumnus Serves As UofL New England Ambassador
- Graduating Class of the 84th Command Officer's Development Course
- Congratulations to the Graduates of the 141st AOC!
- Election of Class Officers for the 141st AOC
- Congratulations to the 140th Administrative Officers Course!
- Election of Class Officers for the 140th AOC
- Graduating Class of the 81st Command Officer's Development Course
- Congratulations to the 139th Administrative Officers Course!
- Election of Class Officers for the 139th AOC
- Graduating Class of the 80th Command Officer's Development Course
- Class Officers of the 138th Administrative Officers Course
- Congratulations to the Graduates of the 138th AOC!
- Congratulations to the Graduating Class of the 79th Command Officer's Development Course
- Graduating Class of the 78th Command Officer's Development Course
- Congratulations to the Graduates of the 137th Administrative Officers Course!
- Congratulations to the Graduating Class of the 77th Command Officer's Development Course!
- Congratulations to the Graduating Class of the 136th AOC!
- Congratulations to the Class of the 76th CODC!
- Congratulations to the Graduating Class of the 75th CODC!
- Congratulations to the Graduating Class of the 135th Administrative Officers Course!
- Class Officers of the 135th Administrative Officers Course
- Honing Interpersonal Necessary Tactics (H.I.N.T.): An Evaluation of Procedural Justice Training
- A Report to Louisville Metro Police Department Training Division by Dr. Brian Schaefer and Dr. Thomas Hughes
- "Evidence suggests that US police understand citizens value procedural fairness, but may not recognize the long term benefits of its use."
- An article for The London School of Economics USAPP blog by Assistant Professor Justin Nix of the Department of Criminal Justice at the University of Louisville.
- Graduation Day for the 74th Command Officer's Development Course
- Congratulations to the Graduating Class of the 134th AOC!
- The Graduating Class of the 73rd CODC
- Graduating Class of the 133rd Administrative Officer's Course
- Graduating Class of the 72nd CODC!
- Congratulations to the 132nd Class of the AOC!
- Election of Class Officers for the 132nd AOC
- The Graduating Class of the 70th CODC!
- The Class of the 131st Administrative Officer's Course (AOC)
- Congratulations to the 130th AOC!
- Congratulations to the 67th CODC!
- Congratulations to the 129th AOC!
- Congratulations to the 66th CODC!
- Congratulations to all 37 graduates of the 66th CODC who have successfully completed this challenging 10 week course in Daytona Beach, Florida!
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- LMPDHoningInterpersonalNecessaryTacticsTrainingEvaluation.pdf
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- 130thAOCClassPhoto.jpg
- Featured SPI Coordinator
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- Congratulations to the Graduates of the 92nd Command Officers Development Course!
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- Congratulations to the Graduates of the 95th Command Officer's Development Course!