Personnel Development, Assessment & Liability

40 Hour Continuing Education Training Course
KLEC Certified
Tuition: $900

Course Description:

This course focuses on the job analysis process, selection procedures and the factors essential for reviewing officers’ performance and assessing their promotion potential. Effective methods for measuring individual performance within a law enforcement agency are reviewed, using interactive discussion with participants. Selection and promotion criteria are identified in order to achieve optimum performance by staff. 

Various methods of promotional testing will be reviewed and the benefits of adopting an assessment center process will be explored. Emphasis will be placed on the need for both hiring and promotion processes being based on credible and established criteria that will withstand legal and political scrutiny. This course will also address the problems of recruiting, hiring and retaining staff who are representative of their community. It will review the administrative management systems necessary to monitor personnel and their positive and negative performance and its links to their contribution towards community participation. 

The final component of this course reflects on the dangers of ignoring, or being unaware, of the legal constraints concerning the critical area of human resources that has been very costly in litigation for some agencies. Discussion will focus on risk management, 42 USC (1983) actions, EEOC issues, negligent retention, grievance procedures and negotiating with collective bargaining units.  These legal and liability issues, along with recommendations and strategies  from the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing report will be explored in some detail through interactive class discussion.

Personnel Development, Assessment & Liability is one of the four courses required to complete the optional Organizational Management Certificate Program.

Course Topics and Areas of Study:

  • What is Your Staff Really Doing?
  • Recruiting & Selecting Your Staff
  • Developing Your Line Staff and Managers
  • Assessing Your Staff for Promotion
  • Retraining and Managing Your Staff
  • Practical Assessment Exercises & Role Play: Validity and Defensibility
  • The Legal Framework for Human Resources: Risk Management
  • The Legal Framework for Human Resources: 42 USC (1983) Actions
  • The Legal Framework for Human Resources: EEOC
  • Negligent Retention, Grievance Procedures, and Negotiating with Unions

    Course Materials and Equipment


    Course materials (i.e., Powerpoint presentations, handouts, articles, etc.) will be provided electronically for this course on a computerized access link provided to registered students prior to the class.   It is highly recommended that students download course materials to a laptop, tablet or other device  prior to the first day of class and bring the device with them to the course.  Otherwise, students should print SPI-provided course materials from the access link and bring printed materials with them to class.

    In order to download course materials from the access link, PowerPoint, Word, and Excel software (Office Suite) should be installed on laptop, tablet or other device.

    Who Should Attend:

    Senior command officers, executive staff, branch managers, divisional chiefs, middle managers, supervisory personnel, and administrative officers 


    Upcoming Training and Lodging:

    If this course is not currently scheduled, it can be brought to your region by a co-hosting agency or through a contract. Learn more.


    Click here to register for courses. 

    What Our Graduates Are Saying:

    "I believe the course was very informative. It gave a lot of insight into the hiring and recruitment aspect of law enforcement. The legal aspects of the course were very informative and needed. It was presented very well."

    "This course was excellent. It provided knowledge for the selection and promotion process, as well as, the legal requirements."

    "Very informative, and at the same time, very distressing to realize that some things are going on in my agency. Course (is) very worthwhile, because it makes me aware, as a supervisor, that I'm the one who can control some of these liabilities. "