Surgery on Sunday Named Honoree by National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable
Surgery on Sunday Louisville, Inc., a nonprofit organization that provides free colonoscopies and outpatient surgical procedures to uninsured and underinsured residents of Kentucky, was named an honoree by National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable. Each winner will be recognized on a live broadcast on March 1, 2017.
Surgery on Sunday Louisville is built on a collaborative model in which every hospital in the Louisville area shares a responsibility in providing in-kind services to offer colonoscopies to members of the community who could not otherwise afford colorectal cancer screening. These individuals are also at increased risk. In Kentucky, patients who lack insurance have more than twice the odds of being diagnosed with advanced colorectal cancer. Since its founding in 2013, Surgery on Sunday Louisville, Inc. has recruited more than 500 volunteers to treat more than 270 patients, leading to the treatment of more than 125 polyps and two cancers. The organization is now assisting communities in other states to replicate their successful model of partnering to deliver pro bono care to the patients that need it most.
Dr. Erica Sutton , assistant professor of surgery, is President and Founder of Surgery on Sunday Louisville.
The National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable (NCCRT) is an organization co-founded by the American Cancer Society and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention whose mission is to increase colorectal cancer screening rates across the United States.