Fellowship Programs Overview
In all fellowships at the University of Louisville's Department of Surgery, the fellow and the general surgical residents closely collaborate, so the primary management of patients falls under either the chief resident or the fellow. The general surgical resident is always given priority as the primary surgeon, depending on the complexity of the case and experience of the surgical resident. In fact, our fellowships have helped general surgical residents by allowing almost all cases to be covered on our busy surgical services. The operative experience of the surgical residents actually has increased since these fellowships have been instituted. Fellows always assume primary responsibility in the post-operative management of patients they have operated upon in conjunction with junior surgical residents. The Department of Surgery offers the following Fellowship Programs.
Colon and Rectal Surgery |
The one-year fellowship in colon and rectal surgery is ACGME approved. Residents complete the program with experience in complex tertiary referral re-operative surgery, endoscopy, laparoscopy, anorectal surgery and physiology. There is opportunity for basic science research in addition to the clinical year. Additional information about the fellowship can be found at the Colon & Rectal Surgery Department. For additional information or for assistance with applications contact: Julie Watkins, Colon and Rectal Surgery Fellowship Coordinator Or Faculty Coordinator |
Surgical Critical Care & Acute Care Surgery |
This fellowship program is proud to offer an ACGME-accredited Surgical Critical Care one-year track, as well as an additional second-year AAST-accredited Acute Care Surgery track. This optional second year is available for additional clinical fellowship and basic science research following the program requirements of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma (AAST). Fellows have combined their year in Critical Care with Trauma Surgery (functioning as a junior faculty attending and taking trauma call with attending back-up for both years of the fellowship) or other surgical subspecialties and have the opportunity to pursue an MPH, MBA or PhD, as well. For additional information or for assistance with applications contact: Samantha Oliver, Surgical Critical Care & Acute Care Surgery Fellowship Coordinator Or Fellowship Program Director Samantha Oliver, Critical Care Fellowship Coordinator Or Fellowship Program Director |
Interventional Endoscopy and Therapeutic ERCP |
This one-year fellowship allows the fellow to gain extensive experience in ERCP-related procedures involving both the biliary and pancreatic ductal systems. Flexible endoscopy including EGD and colonoscopy is included in the fellowship. Fellows also gain experience in complex pancreatic and biliary tract surgery under the direction of the surgical faculty. Research related to the clinical activities is ongoing, and the fellow is expected to participate. For additional information or for assistance with applications, contact: Judy Slaughter, Interventional Endoscopy and Therapeutic ERCP Fellowship Coordinator Or Faculty Coordinator |
Hand Surgery |
The fellowship was initiated in 1960 by Harold Kleinert. More than 900 physicians from 49 countries have received training in hand surgery as clinical fellows, research fellows or residents. In addition to refining their understanding of hand surgery, many of these individuals have contributed immeasurably to the fellowship, bringing new ideas and techniques from around the world. Fellows receive clinical training through one- or two-month rotations on separate services. Initial patient evaluation is performed by the fellows, whether in the office or the ER. The fellow outlines his treatment plan for the patient and then consults with the attending who makes modifications as necessary. Fellows also perform pre-operative and post-operative evaluations in clinic two days per week. The fellow scrubs as first assistant with the attending and then follows the patient's progress. Surgery is scheduled two to three days per week for each attending staff. Call occurs every third or fourth night. Fellows usually take first call with the attending with whom they are rotating. Additional information can be found at the Christine M. Kleinert Institute For additional information or for assistance with applications, contact: Lisa Thompson, Fellowship Coordinator |
Pediatric Surgery |
This is a two-year fellowship. The fellowship is centered at Norton Children's Hospital, where the fellow works closely with the general surgical team in the overall management of pediatric surgical patients including a busy trauma service and care of patients with surgically repaired congenital anomalies. For additional information or for assistance with applications, contact: Cynthia D. Downard, M.D. |
Surgical Oncology |
The Division of Surgical Oncology offers a two-year fellowship consisting of six months of basic science research and 18 months of clinical rotations. Generally, the fellow rotates with specific faculty members rather than at certain hospitals, so that the fellow performs all complex procedures with the designated faculty and then provides post-operative care for those patients with the assistance of the junior residents on service at each hospital. The diverse clinical interests and expertise of the faculty members allows the fellow to gain surgical experience in all aspects of surgical oncology. The fellow will gain extensive experience in upper gastrointestinal, hepato-pancreatico-biliary, endocrine, melanoma, and breast. The fellow also has the opportunity to pursue additional basic science or clinical research and may combine the fellowship with an MPH program. For additional information or for assistance with applications, contact: Faculty Coordinators: Dr. Charles Scoggins |
Vascular Surgery |
The Vascular Fellowship is two years in length and is ACGME accredited. Residents gain experience in addressing trauma, venous disorders, dialysis access issues, peripheral vascular disease and arterial pathology. There are three rotations per 12 month period centered around Norton Hospital, University Hospital and St. Mary & Elizabeth Hospital. For additional information or for assistance with applications, contact: Monica Sivori, Program Coordinator |