
National moot court team thrives thanks to generous supporters

National moot court team thrives thanks to generous supporters

The grandson of 1895 graduate and former U.S. Solicitor General supports our National Moot Court Team.

National moot court team thrives thanks to generous supporters - Read More…

Will Kentucky adopt a new hearsay exception?

Will Kentucky adopt a new hearsay exception?

Professor Ariana Levinson shares her experience testifying at a Supreme Court Rules Hearing.

Will Kentucky adopt a new hearsay exception? - Read More…

Lawyers' role as advocates for the unjustly accused

Lawyers' role as advocates for the unjustly accused

Dean Crawford reflects on information shared at a Department of Public Advocacy event.

Lawyers' role as advocates for the unjustly accused - Read More…

Introducing an EPEL RA: Joe Zurschmiede

Introducing an EPEL RA: Joe Zurschmiede

Joe Zurschmiede wants to help people plan for the future and for after death.

Introducing an EPEL RA: Joe Zurschmiede - Read More…

Introducing an EPEL RA: Alex Hisle

Introducing an EPEL RA: Alex Hisle

Alex Hisle shares the personal reason she is pursuing a career in elder law and special needs planning.

Introducing an EPEL RA: Alex Hisle - Read More…

Introducing an EPEL RA: Miranda Robinson

Introducing an EPEL RA: Miranda Robinson

Miranda Robinson discusses the importance of advanced directives.

Introducing an EPEL RA: Miranda Robinson - Read More…

A look at the ways Mondragon encourages innovation

A look at the ways Mondragon encourages innovation

What do innovation and entrepreneurship have to do with worker-owned cooperatives?

A look at the ways Mondragon encourages innovation - Read More…

#metoo #yotambien #niere

#metoo #yotambien #niere

Professor Levinson's observations about gender equality in Mondragon.

#metoo #yotambien #niere - Read More…