Brandeis Human Rights Advocacy Program debuts training videos

The Brandeis Human Rights Advocacy Program (HRAP) has completed three training videos: one on education access, one on language access and one on cultural competency.

HRAP fellows recently presented the videos at a roundtable attended by community partners, including TARC, the Mayor's Office and Jefferson County Public Schools.

"People found them to be good to have in their offices and the nonprofits they work for," says Briana Lathon, who graduated from the Brandeis School of Law in May 2018 and was one of the fellows who produced the videos. "Each one caused a lot of provocative discussion at the roundtable."

The videos were made possible thanks to a grant from the Louisville Bar Foundation. They are the result of research projects by the HRAP fellows on the areas of education access, language access and cultural competency as they relate to the non-citizen, immigrant and refugee population. 

Lathon hopes to see the education access video be used within JCPS. That video explains the laws governing access to public education for undocumented students.