SBA wins national ABA Student Bar Association Award

SBA wins national ABA Student Bar Association Award

Congratulations to the Student Bar Association at the University of Louisville Brandeis School of Law for earning the 2023-24 Student Bar Association Award from the American Bar Association. Presented by the ABA’s Law Student Division, the award recognizes the efforts of a law school SBA organization to create a better environment for law students.

To qualify for the award, SBA organizations are evaluated for their events and programming; internal structure and communication with their student body; improvements such as innovations and new ideas made throughout the year; interaction with faculty and administration; leadership within the local legal and non-legal communities; and leadership at the national, circuit and state levels.

“Our Student Bar Association has done an outstanding job of working with the leadership team to build a stronger law community. Our students are outstanding, and it is gratifying that the ABA recognizes it,” said Melanie B. Jacobs, law school dean. “I also want to extend special recognition to Elma Jašarević, a member of Class of 2024 who served as the ABA Representative this past year, for her leadership in preparing the award application.”

The SBA award is one of five national awards presented annually by the ABA Law Student Division. Award winners will be recognized at the division’s Annual Assembly on Aug. 3 in Chicago.