Brand Identity & Visual Standards

Guidelines for creating UofL-branded marketing materials and websites

Search & Search Optimization

Search is a vital part of our digital experience and helps users get to the information they need quickly and efficiently without having to rely on traditional navigation.

All UofL websites must have a search box in the header per our brand standards requirements. This box must search all domains by default. It is optional to have the search box additionally narrow the search to the local site it is implemented on, but that must be secondary in function.

Our Search

Our search solution is powered by Google Custom Search. The integration and implementation of this is managed by Information Technology Services. Communications and Marketing oversees the indexing, keywords, boosting, page ranking and other features in order to align with the university’s information architecture and institutional marketing goals.


In order for the best content to reach our audiences, it is important to keep in mind:

  • Site titles – Be sure to edit your site title in Plone. Avoid references to UofL and University of Louisville, as the affiliation is obvious to users (from the template branding and URL. Also avoid acronyms or overly long site names.
  • Page titles – Don’t use generic page titles. Official templates already include the site title on each page. Be sure to customize your page title especially if you’ve duplicated a page in the CMS (to avoid ‘Copy of About Us,’ as an example).
  • Good content – The better your site content and the more useful it is to your audiences, the higher the ranking in search results. Our search engine learns and refines over time based on number of clicks, so providing valuable information goes a long way.

More Information

More information, including frequently asked questions, about the university's search solution can be found on the Web Content at UofL website.

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Communications & Marketing

University of Louisville

2323 S. Brook St.

Louisville, KY 40208

(502) 852-6171