Guidelines for Co-Hosting an SPI Course


A requesting agency may co-host any of SPI’s courses.  A minimum of twenty-five (25) participants are required to guarantee a training course will proceed as scheduled. Regarding course attendance, the co-host may earn one (1) free seat with 30-34 paid registrations and one (1) additional tuition-free seat for multiples of 5 additional paid registrations up to 40, as exampled below:

    • Two (2) free seats with 35-39 paid registrations
    • Three (3) free seats with 40-45 paid registrations

A co-hosting agency may earn a tuition-free seat in a SPI training course by agreeing to provide a Course Coordinator as specified below:


Administration Assistance (one additional free seat)

A co-hosting agency may earn one (1) tuition-free seat in any SPI training course by agreeing to provide a course coordinator to perform the responsibilities listed below:

  • Set up classroom with SPI materials
  • Present an overview of SPI (provided by SPI)
  • Introduce instructors to the class (bios will be provided by SPI)
  • Process necessary documents (registration, evaluations, and Scantrons if applicable)
  • Conduct examination for course (if applicable)
  • Disseminate course and instructor evaluations and course materials (provided by SPI)
  • Mail Scantrons and evaluations to SPI
  • Review and adhere to Guidelines for Course Coordinator (provided by SPI)



The responsibilities of SPI will be to:

  • Advertise the program as part of the current Course Schedule training schedule, on the SPI web, SPI facebook page and other venues as appropriate;
  • Provide an email flyer in PDF format on the SPI website and to the co-host;
  • Handle the course registration process;
  • Provide qualified instructional personnel;
  • Provide training materials (via link sent out to their email address two weeks prior to beginning of course(s), padfolio, notebook, name tent, etc.), instructor and course evaluation forms and exams;
  • Pay costs associated with air travel and the on-site stay of the instructors;
  • Collect tuition and registration information online via the SPI website;
  • Provide CEUs to each participant successfully completing the course (A Certificate will be awarded from the Southern Police Institute, Department of Criminal Justice, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Louisville. This certificate will be sent via email, in PDF format, to each participant two weeks of the conclusion of the course.); and
  • In concert with AGENCY INITIALS, cancel the program if registration is less than the minimum number of participants. (A cancellation must be at least 30 days in advance of class.)

The responsibilities of the Co-Hosting Agency will be to:

  • Correspond with area law enforcement executives to encourage participation in the program;
  • Appoint a course liaison or coordinator as a point of contact (POC) to provide assistance to SPI, recruit personnel for and encourage participation in the program;
  • Assist with local/regional marketing of the training course by contacting other law enforcement representatives to encourage participation prior to the beginning of the course; and
  • Provide a suitable classroom for participants equipped with a whiteboard, flip charts, markers, LCD projector, projection screen (8'x10' min.), external DVD/CD Drive, wireless remote presenter, and personal computer with speakers (that will accommodate PowerPoint presentations), adequate power sources;


To request a course, please submit an initial inquiry by clicking here. 

Please note that inquiries are reviewed in the order they are received. Responses may take up to 10 business days.

If you have questions regarding co-hosting or contracting an SPI course, or questions regarding course offerings, please contact Barry Madden at  or by phone at (502) 852-8889

When co-hosting a training course, please keep in mind that a minimum of 6 months is required for SPI to adequately advertise.  Thank you for your interest in the Southern Police Institute.