Profile Instructions

To update your faculty profile:

  1. Log-in to the department website (click on "My Accounts" in the upper right hand corner of your screen and then click "Plone.") You can log in with your university ID and password.
  2. Once you have logged-in to the site select Full-Time Faculty from the menu titled Our People.
  3. Locate yourself in the appropriate directory and click on your name. This should open up the pages with your profile information.
  4. To edit your page, click on the state tab on the far right upper corner and choose retract
  5. Once you have retracted the page choose the edit tab on the upper left (in the green bar). 
  6. With the edit window open you can now update your information, similar to editing a word document. 
  7. When you have finished editing scroll to the bottom and click saveWhile editing do not navigate away from the page or click on any other tabs. This will erase your changes and you will have to start your edit over again.
  8. Once your page has been saved go back to the state tab at the upper right and click publish externally. Your page will not be visible until you change the state.

Note: To copy and paste in the editor highlight the text you would like to copy with your mouse. Then on your keyboard use Crtl+C. To paste in the editor on your keyboard use Crtl+V. The program will not allow you to copy and paste with your mouse. 

If you do not have an option to retract your permissions have not been set correctly and you will need to contact the English Department Tier 1.

Staff Directory Page

(This information will be updated by the program coordinator)

  • Appointments
  • Office / Room Number
  • Building Location
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address
  • Personal Staff Page- Professional Information
  • Personal Website
  • Education
  • Teaching Areas
  • Research Areas and Projects
  • Honors and Awards
  • Activities
  • Professional Memberships