Study Abroad & Course Credit
Contact information
For information about study abroad opportunities, please send an email to Dr. Karen Chandler, Director of Undergraduate Studies. We will be happy to schedule a study abroad advising appointment.
Study Abroad Advising Appointment
Before you make your appointment, think carefully about where you would like to go (which country and institution) and what class(es) you would like to take when you are there. The International Center has lots of information to help you but the choice is ultimately yours. Bring to your study abroad advising appointment a hard copy of the relevant page(s) from the study abroad catalog(s) you have been considering.
You will also need to bring to the meeting a form that you can obtain from the International Center that allows UofL faculty to record which UofL courses you will be given credit for when you take a study abroad class. If you bring both of these things to your study abroad advising appointment, it allows us to make best use of your time and get everything taken care of in one go.