English BA to JD
Get your Undergraduate and Juris Doctor degrees in just six years
Getting an English degree is great preparation for both law school and work in the legal profession. This program is designed to provide a number of skills crucial to becoming a practicing lawyer:
- critical thinking
- argumentation
- advanced reading and writing skills
- social systems
- institutions
- human nature
The English Advising Team can be reached by email at engadv@louisville.edu
Dr. Sarah Strickley, Director of Undergraduate Studies
Email: sarah.strickley@louisville.edu
Major: ENGL
Degree: BA to JD
Unit: Arts and Sciences
English BA to JD Track Requirements
Participating students will be expected to complete the same number of credit hours required of other undergraduates enrolled in the major. This includes the English major core requirements (18 credit hours). Students will then follow the department’s approved BA/JD track:
- 6 credit hours - Take two of the following:
- ENGL 303 Special Topics: Scientific and Technical Writing (WR)
- ENGL 306 Special Topics: Business Writing (WR)
- ENGL 407 Special Topics: Writing for Social Change (WR)
- One 400-level literatures in English elective
- 3 credit hours - Take the following:
- ENGL 450 Cooperative Internship in English Studies
- 3 credit hours - Take one of the following:
- ENGL 491 Interpretive Theory: The New Criticism to the Present
- ENGL 492 Special Topics in Interpretive Theory
- ENGL 591 Special Topics: History of Criticism: Plato to the New Critics
- 3 credit hours - Take one of the following:
- ENGL 404 Miracle Monocle
- ENGL 405 Editing, Publishing and Document Design
- One 500-level literatures in English elective
- 3 credit hours - Take the following:
- ENGL 599 Special Topics: Texts and Technologies (CUE, WR)
Participating students must successfully complete the 1L curriculum in order to be awarded their bachelor’s degree at the conclusion of the 1L year and be permitted to continue in the JD program.
LEARN MORE Contact English Advising Team
Katherine Rucker or Sierra Kronka.