About Us
The overall mission of the English Department is to promote literacy, specifically the ability to read, write and think critically, skills that are the cornerstone of a healthy democracy and key to the future of an urban area in an increasingly information-based economy.
Contact Information
Department Filing Cabinet
Department Mission Statement
For Questions About....
- First-Year composition classes (101, 102, 105), Business Writing (306), or Scientific and Technical Writing (303), Contact the composition program: Linda Baldwin, 502-852-6896.
- The English major, Advising in the English major, English classes, Scholarships for English majors, Contact the undergraduate program: Amanda Forsting, 502-852-0506.
- Graduate Courses in English, Applying to the English Graduate Program, Financial Support for English Graduate Students, Contact the graduate program: Lisa Cox, 502-852-0505.
- Technical Support or the Computer Labs, Contact English technical support: Hung Nguyen, 502-852-6932.
- The biennual Watson Conference or the Watson visiting professor position, and everything financial, Contact the Unit Business Manager: Robin Carroll, 502-852-7718
- Locating an office, a class or other information about the building follow this link to our page on the Humanities Building.
- Need assistance using Blackboard or Ulink? Please contact the IT Help Desk at 852-7997.