Research Faculty Interests

Dr. Said Abusalem
Associate Professor, MEPN Program Director
Research Interests:
Health Service Research; Patient Safety; Infection Control

Dr. Katharine Adelstein
Assistant Professor
Research interests:
Psychosocial oncology, End-of-Life, Cancer in the Adolescent and Young Adult Population, and Quality of life in patients with cancer.

Dr. Mollie Aleshire
Assistant Professor
Research interests:
Health disparities, health promotion, healthcare access, and cancer prevention/screening for minority populations including sexual and gender minorities, black women, and women with increased risk for colorectal, breast, and HPV-associated cancers.

Dr. Debra Anderson
Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs and Organizational Effectiveness
Research interests:
Vulnerable populations: domestic and occupational violence, healthy work environments

Dr. Paul Clark
Assistant Professor
Research interests:
Health Services Research – Resilience and Moral Distress in the Emergency Department

Dr. Frances Hardin-Fanning
Professor, Shirley B. Powers Endowed Chair
Research interests:
Health Behaviors related to nutrition in disadvantaged communities; Veterans’ Education Issues

Dr. Candace Harrington
Assistant Professor
Research interests:
Geriatric population, cognitive impairment, chronic heart failure management, long-term populations, frailty, family dementia caregiver longevity

Dr. Kimberly Hartson
Assistant Professor
Research interests:
Health Promotion and Behavior Change in Adolescents and Young Adults; Physical Activity

Dr. Cynthia (Cindi) Logsdon
Research interests:
Women’s Mental Health; Academic Clinical Partnerships; Mothering

Dr. Sally Martens
Associate Professor
Research interests:
Psychosocial development, health promotion, and social inclusivity, of children with visible physical differences

Dr. Lynn Roser
Assistant Professor
Research interests:
Healthcare-Associated Infections, infection prevention, heart Failure

Dr. Ratchneewan Ross
Research interests:
Mental health of culturally diverse, complex, and vulnerable populations in the U.S. and international settings, including those who have experienced violence, stigma, trauma, and extreme stress; Measurement; Research Methodology; Mixed methods; Theory development

Dr. Shuying Sha
Assistant Professor, Biostatistician
Research interests:
Program evaluation, research design, and survey development

Dr. Imelda Wright
Assistant Professor
Research interests:
The Perioperative Environment, including safety culture, normalization of deviance, work environment, and nurse behaviors and characteristics.