Lani Ceballos

Lani CeballosLani Ceballos
Class of 2022
Louisville, Kentucky

What do you love most about your family and/or friends?
Their compassion and patience as I navigate law school. Having their support means everything!

What undergraduate and graduate degrees do you have? What majors/minors?
I have a Bachelors of Business Administration in Marketing, with a Minor in Political Science

Why law school and why Brandeis?
I've always wanted to be a lawyer, and after growing up in Louisville (and going to UK for undergrad) I decided it was finally time to come home! The legal field is so broad, and there are so many different ways that you can use a law degree to really help others.

How have you changed since your 1L year?
My focus has really shifted. Getting through law school is tough but in a weird way, it's a confidence boost, knowing that you are making it through something so challenging.

In addition to getting into the UofL Brandeis School of Law, what are you most proud of and why?   OR  What is the greatest challenge you have overcome and why?
I am most proud of my continued involvement in student orgs here at Brandeis. The sense of community that these organizations provide to 1Ls coming in is so important, and I love being able to contribute to that and ease the transitional period for a lot of students.

How do you define Inclusive? How do you define Excellence?
The definitions of these two words intertwine, in my opinion. Inclusivity to me means granting everyone the same grace and opportunity and extending seats 'at the table.' Without doing so, no organization or group can ever truly be excellent. I believe it truly takes a village, even to achieve excellence in one's own life. That being said, excellence, to me, is defined as being the absolute best version of yourself (or the organization).

What is your professional goal for five years from now?
I'm not entirely sure exactly where I'll be five years from now. So, my only goal is to work hard and enjoy myself while on the journey to figuring out exactly how I want to use my law degree. 

Favorite quote?
“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." — Maya Angelou