Demitri Johnson-Cantu

Demitri Johnson-Cantu
Demitri Johnson-Cantu, Class of 2021
Demitri Johnson-Cantu
Class of 2021
Saginaw, Michigan

What do you love most about your family and/or friends?
My family and friends are resilient and great role models.

What undergraduate and graduate degrees do you have? What majors/minors?  Bachelor of Science, Chemistry

Why law school and why Brandeis?
It is close to some family members; and after my visit, I knew Brandeis was for me.

How have you changed since your 1L year?
I have started thinking like an attorney. I am also more aware of the world around me. I have grown in empathy and wisdom.

In addition to getting into the UofL Brandeis School of Law, what are you most proud of and why?
I am proud of my academic achievements and how they have had a positive impact on youth within my community. I feel I am "paying forward."

How do you define Inclusive? How do you define Excellence?
Inclusive means working together towards achieving positive outcomes for all. Excellence means striving to be the best we can be through tenacity and civility.

What is your professional goal for five years from now?
I hope to be a strong environmental attorney. I want to be a catalyst for change and alter current polices that negatively impact the quality of life.

Favorite quote?
Matthew 7:13: "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many enter through it."