Evan D. Mitchell

 Evan D. Mitchell
Class of 2023
Louisville, Kentucky

What do you love most about your family and/or friends?

I am very thankful for the support that my mother and father have given me throughout my entire education. I am forever grateful for the sacrifices they made so that I could attend good schools that set me up to be both a successful and ambitious college student. I am thankful for all my friends that made my time at those schools enjoyable.

What undergraduate and graduate degrees do you have? 

B.A. in Political Science, Minor in German from the University of Louisville

Why law school and why Brandeis?

I chose to attend law school because I feel the legal profession is the best way for me to truly make a difference in my community. I chose Brandeis because I wanted to continue my education where I completed my undergraduate degree. I enjoyed my time as an undergraduate at U of L and felt it would be best to continue my education in both my home and the city I plan to work in.

In addition to getting into the UofL Brandeis School of Law, what are you most proud of and why?

I think that I am most proud of the diverse range of projects I have worked on and the various fields I have worked in. All my experiences, whether it be working as a German tutor, a data analyst, an IT guy, or a dishwasher have taught me that value of hard work is universal and that the more you put in, the more you get out.

How do you define Inclusive? How do you define Excellence?

I define inclusiveness as many different people coming together with their unique perspectives to form a whole that represents a wide range of experiences. By bringing all these unique experiences together, we all become part of a wider community that better prepares us to enter the legal profession. I define excellence as something that can be achieved through constant improvement, while also displaying integrity, dignity, and being a force for good.

What is your professional goal for five years from now?

I plan to practice here in Louisville. I am unsure what type of law I will be practicing, but I have great interest in both Labor and Immigration Law.

What is your favorite quote?

"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth." – Muhammad Ali