Practicum Liaisons

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Dr. Adrian Archuleta

Associate Professor, Kent School of Social Work and Family Science, University of Louisville

MSSW, Kent School of Social Work and Family Science, University of Louisville

EMAIL Adrian Archuleta

Sarah Barber

Adjunct Instructor I, Kent School of Social Work and Family Science, University of Louisville

MSSW, Kent School of Social Work and Family Science, University of Louisville

Interests: Integrative mental health

EMAIL Sarah Barber

Dr. Rebecka Bloomer

Adjunct Instructor I, Kent School of Social Work and Family Science, University of Louisville

MSSW, Kent School of Social Work and Family Science, University of Louisville

Interests: Youth, diverse communities, gender issues

EMAIL Rebecka Bloomer

Jennifer Bobo, MSSW, LCSW

Professor of Professional Practice I, Kent School of Social Work and Family Science, University of Louisville

MSSW, Kent School of Social Work and Family Science, University of Louisville

Interests: Mental health; child abuse, neglect and dependency; trauma informed practices; children and families; and the child welfare population

EMAIL Jennifer Bobo

Dr. Tish Brookins

Adjunct Instructor I, Kent School of Social Work and Family Science, University of Louisville

EMAIL Tish Brookins

Sheila Cundiff

Adjunct Instructor 1, Field Practicum Faculty, Coordinates the Alcohol and Drug Counselor Specialization and teaches in the Military Social Work Specialization and the BSW program

MSW, Spalding University; BSSW, Spalding University

Interests: Clinical social work and chemical dependency

EMAIL Sheila Cundiff

Carl Enoch

Adjunct Instructor III, Teaches Practice & Policy in the BSW Program, Kent School of Social Work and Family Science, University of Louisville

MSSW, Kent School of Social Work and Family Science, University of Louisville;  M.Div., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; BS Murray State University

Interests: Social work with persons with disability and research

EMAIL Carl Enoch

Robin George

Adjunct Instructor II, Kent School of Social Work and Family Science, University of Louisville

MSSW, CSW, University of Louisville

Interests: Child welfare

EMAIL Robin George

Jenny Heineken Johnson

Adjunct Instructor I, Kent School of Social Work and Family Science, University of Louisville

MSW,  University of Missouri

Interests: Gerontology, social justice, and international policy and social work.

EMAIL Jenny Johnson

Dr. Judy Heitzman

Professor - Part Time Faculty, Kent School of Social Work and Family Science, University of Louisville

PhD, MSSW Kent School of Social Work and Family Science, University of Louisville, BS Counseling & Guidance, University of Louisville

Interests: Psychotherapy, mood disorders, domestic violence perpetrators, violence recovery

EMAIL Judy Heitzman

Tony Helm

Adjunct Instructor I, Kent School of Social Work and Family Science, University of Louisville

MSSW, Kent School of Social Work and Family Science, University of Louisville; BS Western Kentucky University

Interests: Child welfare, improving the child welfare system, gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender issues.

EMAIL Tony Helm

Ramie Martin-Galijatovic

Adjunct Instructor I, Kent School of Social Work and Family Science, University of Louisville

MSSW, Kent School of Social Work and Family Science, University of Louisville

Interest: Child welfare

EMAIL Ramie Martin-Galijatovic

Deborah McMurray

Adjunct Instructor II, Kent School of Social Work and Family Science, University of Louisville

MSW, Saint Louis University; BA Illinois State University

Interests: working with children and adolescents in an educational setting

EMAIL Deborah McMurray

Melanie McDermott

Adjunct Instructor I, Kent School of Social Work and Family Science, University of Louisville

EMAIL Melanie McDermott

Dr. Heeyul Moon

Associate Professor, Kent School of Social Work and Family Science, University of Louisville

PhD, Case Western Reserve University

Interests:  Enhancing quality of life of vulnerable and underserved elderly and their families through interdisciplinary and translational research

Email Dr. Moon

Geri L. Morgan

Adjunct Instructor I, Kent School of Social Work and Family Science, University of Louisville

MSW,  The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Carver School of Church Social Work

Interests: higher education case management, social justice, policy, HIV/AIDS

Email Geri Morgan

Jose' Morris

Adjunct Instructor I

Email Jose' Morris

Melissa Paris

Adjunct Instructor I, Kent School of Social Work and Family Science, University of Louisville


Interests: Macro Practice, intimate partner and sexual violence prevention, child welfare

EMAIL Melissa Paris

Dr. Andy Patterson

Adjunct Associate Professor, Kent School of Social Work and Family Science, University of Louisville

PhD, University of Louisville; MSW, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; BS, Jacksonville State University

Interests: Homelessness and poverty issues, nonprofit management, program evaluation, housing

EMAIL Andy Patterson

Leneshia Perry

Adjunct Instructor I

Email Leneshia Perry

Dr. Stephanie Prost

Assistant Professor, Kent School of Social Work and Family Science, University of Louisville

PhD, Florida State University

Interests: Promoting health, quality of life, and social justice for incarcerated persons, criminal justice officers, and forensic service providers through her research, teaching, and service efforts

Email Stephanie Prost


Jon Sanders

Adjunct Instructor, Kent School of Social Work and Family Science, University of Louisville

EMAIL Jon Sanders


Kimberly Williams

Adjunct Instructor Level I, Kent School of Social Work and Family Science, University of Louisville

MSSW, Kent School of Social Work and Family Science, University of Louisville

Interests: Oncology

EMAIL Kimberly Williams

Steve Williams

Adjunct Instructor I, Kent School of Social Work and Family Science, University of Louisville; Grant Writer, Home of the Innocents, Louisville, KY

MSW, Carver School of Social Work; BA University of Louisville

Interests: Services to children, youth & homeless, fund raising.

EMAIL Steve Williams