Employee Relations

To contact UofL Health Human Resources, please call 502-588-0418 or email marketing@uoflhealth.org. 

Employee Relations is responsible for Equal Employment Opportunity and is designed to assist you in managing employment related situations that may be impacting your work life and performance. Our goal is to work with you by reaching solutions which enable you to work in a healthy and respectful work environment.


EEO/Affirmative Action

Our commitment to affirmation action and equal education and employment opportunities.


Discrimination and Harassment

Our commitment to a workplace free of harassment and discrimination.

Improvement Plans


Our commitment to inclusion, diversity and ADA compliance.


Title IX

The University of Louisville is committed to and will provide equality of educational and employment opportunities for all persons. If the victim is a student, Title IX means among other things that the university must provide an environment that does not interfere with the victim’s right to pursue an education. Further information on Title IX at the University of Louisville can be found at www.louisville.edu/titleix including a Sexual Misconduct Resource Guide and more.

Complete the Title IX Mandatory Training module.


Performance Evaluations

The performance management system is important to our employee’s professional development as well as helps us accomplish the vision and mission of the University.



A process designed to create opportunities for employees and supervisors to engage in constructive conversations regarding working conditions, disciplinary actions, and incorrect application of policy.


Commercial Driver's License (CDL)

Employees responsible for operating a single commercial vehicle or a combination of vehicles weighing 26,001 lbs or more are required to maintain a Commercial Driver’s License.


Unemployment Insurance

The Kentucky Office of Employment and Training provides unemployment insurance services for those who are unemployed through no fault of their own.