Dental Coverage

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MetLife is UofL's dental provider. There are two options for dental insurance, the basic plan and the enhanced plan, which includes adult orthodontia.

You may visit any dentist, however, out-of-pocket expense is less with greater savings when utilizing an in-network provider. Remember, when visiting an out-of-network provider you will be responsible for charges above the in-network covered benefit allowance by the MetLife plan.


 Full-time Dental Eligibility

Full-time is defined as working 80% (.80 FTE) full-time equivalency or greater.

Part-time Eligibility

Part-time is defined as working 40-79% full-time equivalency or greater. Part-time employees that work less than 40% full-time equivalency are not eligible for benefits.

Part-time lecturers, retirees*, and other university affiliated employees not offered MetLife dental coverage through the university can elect individual dental policies through Delta Dental of Kentucky. Visit for plan and enrollment information. *Retirees electing dental coverage for the first time on or after January 1, 2023.


2025 Dental Plan Rates

Monthly Rates for 12 Month Full-time and Part-time Active Employees

Basic Dental Plan Enhanced Dental Plan
Employee Coverage $21.96 $35.74
Employee + Spouse/QA $43.88 $71.48
Employee + Children $51.82 $84.34
Employee + Family $80.12 $130.44

Monthly Rates for 10 Month Full-time and Part-time Active Employees

Basic Dental Plan Enhanced Dental Plan
Employee Coverage $26.36 $42.88
Employee + Spouse/QA $52.66 $85.78
Employee + Children $62.18 $101.20
Employee + Family $96.14 $156.52


Know what your plan covers

Your Dental Benefits Summary describes in detail your MetLife benefits and the differences between the Basic and Enhanced Dental Plans. You can also find additional benefit payment information via MetLife's website or by calling 1-866-832-5756.


Find an In-Network Provider

To find a participating dentist, visit Metlife online and enter 'University of Louisville' or call 1-866-832-5756. 


MetLife Contact Information:

Customer Service: 1-866-832-5756

Dental Group Plan Number: 0149183

Each member has a unique ID number

NOTE: You can go to the School of Dentistry dental clinic for a full range of general and specialty dental services. Dental students, dental hygiene students and dental residents provide the majority of treatment under faculty supervision. The clinic has lower fees and provides discounts on orthodontia and other services. Call 852-5096 to set-up an appointment.