Davis Vision
Vision insurance is provided by Davis Vision. Davis Vision has a national network of credentialed preferred providers. With Davis Vision, you have access to great in-network benefits at provider locations nationwide, including over 700 Visionworks stores, which offer the largest in-store frame assortment in the industry.
Learn how to access and log into your Davis Vision account.
Watch this short video on all the things Davis Vision has to offer!
Full-time Dental Eligibility
Full-time is defined as working 80% (.80 FTE) full-time equivalency or greater.
Part-time Eligibility
Part-time is defined as working 40-79% full-time equivalency or greater. Part-time employees that work less than 40% full-time equivalency are not eligible for benefits.
Part-time lecturers, retirees*, and other university affiliated employees not offered Davis Vision coverage through the university can elect individual vision plans through Delta Dental of Kentucky. Visit https://www.deltadentalky.com/shop-for-insurance/uofl/ for plan and enrollment information. *Retirees electing vision coverage for the first time on or after January 1, 2023.
2025 Vision Plan Rates
Rates for 12 month for Full-time/Part-time Active Employees
Coverage Level | Monthly Rate |
Employee Coverage | $4.32 |
Employee + Spouse/QA | $7.86 |
Employee + Children | $8.32 |
Employee + Family | $11.96 |
Rates for 10 month Full-time/Part-time Active Employees
Coverage Level | Monthly Rate |
Employee Coverage | $5.18 |
Employee + Spouse/QA | $9.44 |
Employee + Children | $9.98 |
Employee + Family | $14.36 |
Related Documents
Printing Member ID Instructions
Download the Davis Vision Mobile App
Find a Provider and Verify Coverage of Benefit
To find a network provider, visit davisvision.com and click "Find a Provider" to locate a provider near you, including Visionworks locations.
Davis Vision Contact Information
Customer Service: 1-877-923-2847 (client code 7631)
Vision Group Name: University of Louisville
Each member has a unique ID number
Website: davisvision.com
UofL Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences Offers a Discount Service to employees.
This discount service cannot be used with insurance or any other discounts. A University of Louisville ID card is required. There is no monthly service cost.
The UofL Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences offers services through Eye Specialists of Louisville. Offices are at the Kentucky Lions Eye Center on the Health Sciences Center Campus and The Springs Medical Center on Dutchmans Parkway.
For questions regarding services and discount pricing, call 1-502-588-0550.