Flexible Spending Accounts


  • For 2023, Health Care FSAs have a rollover provision which allows up $640 (must have a balance of greater or equal to $50 for rollover) of unspent funds to roll into the next calendar year. Employees have until March 31, 2024, to submit any claims incurred on or before December 31, 2023. 
  • If you have both the Healthcare FSA and the HRA, you will receive ONE card from Optum with both account balances loaded. 
  • For medical and prescription drug expenses, the Optum debit card will first pull from the HRA and then the Health Care FSA, unless you choose otherwise. If you would like funds to be deducted from your FSA first, you will need to submit a claim form to Optum and indicate this preferred reimbursement method on the form.  
  • For dental and vision expenses, the card will automatically pull from the Health Care FSA since those are ineligible expenses under the HRA. 


What does the rollover provision mean?

The rollover provision allows you to rollover up to a max $640 of unspent funds to the next plan year. A run-out period applies, which gives you three months to submit claims from the previous plan year, after which up to $640 rolls over to the next plan year and can be used for any expenses incurred in that plan year.  There is no risk of forfeiture of funds. 

Example: You have a remaining balance of $200 at the end of 2023. You can use that $200 for expenses incurred between 1/1/2023 – 12/31/2023. You have until 3/31/2024 to submit claims from 2023 to use that $200 balance. If you don’t use the full $200 by 3/31/2024 the remaining balance will roll-over to 2024 (by beginning of May) and can be used for any expenses incurred in calendar year 2024. Note, balances under $50 will not rollover if employee does not elect a FSA Healthcare Account in 2024.


2023 FSA Claims & Balances

Manual claims can be submitted for reimbursement to Optum for FSA expenses incurred in 2023 during the run-out period between 1/1 – 3/31/2024.

Two Options for using your 2023 funds during the run-out period:

  1. The "employee reimbursement" option: Submit a receipt and request reimbursement via check or electronic funds transfer (EFT)
  2. The "provider reimbursement" option: Submit a bill or invoice and have a check sent directly to your provider

At the end of the 2023 run-out period, up to $640 of unspent funds roll into the next calendar year.

The 2023 FSA rollover balances will then be added to your 2024 account balance with Optum and accessible to you on or around May 2024.

 Tips for Spending FSA Dollars 

Health Care Flexible Spending Account

The Health Care (FSA) annual employee contributions are available to use beginning January 1, 2024. You may use these funds for you and your dependents. The maximum annual employee contribution limit for a Health Care Flexible Spending Account (FSA) is $3,200.

What is Health Care FSA?

View Eligible Expenses


Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account

The Dependent Care (FSA) annual employee contributions accumulate on a per pay period basis. You may use these funds to reimburse you for daycare and children's camp expenses. The maximum annual employee and household contribution limit for Dependent Care FSA is $5,000.

What is Dependent Care FSA?

View Eligible Expenses


Optum Contact Information

Customer Service: 866-860-7260

Website: Optum 

Mobile App: Optum Mobile App 

Optum Reimbursement Instructions & Claims Form (PDF)