Cardinal Towne

cardinal towne bedroom with full sized bed. Exterior of cardinal towne on cardinal boulevard

Area Coordinator: Cassandra Lamarre


Take a Tour at Cardinal Towne


Cardinal Towne Parking FAQ

Q: Who do I contact to obtain a parking pass?

A: If you are interested in obtaining a parking pass, please email the Property Operations Manager of Cardinal Towne Isabelle Chadwell at and CC Property Operations Specialist La Quyssa Caldwell at

Q: How much does parking cost in the 24-25 academic year?

A: The monthly rate is $75 per month. A resident can purchase a parking pass for August to May which is $750. A resident can purchase a yearly parking pass for $900.

Q: Am I guaranteed parking at Cardinal Towne?

A: Parking is a first come first serve basis.

Q: Are the parking garages and surface lot at Cardinal Towne ran by UofL?

A: No, the underground parking garages are managed American Campus Communities. The above ground surface lot is managed by Riverside Parking.

Q: How many parking garages are there?

A:There are two underground parking garages at Cardinal Towne, one located in Phase 1 and one located in Phase 2.

Q: There are two underground parking garages at Cardinal Towne, one located in Phase 1 and one located in Phase 2.

A: There are no physical parking passes needed to enter the parking garage. Stickers are provided to place on your vehicle as a form of a parking pass. If need to pick up your parking pass sticker, email the Property Operations Manager of Cardinal Towne Isabelle Chadwell at and CC Property Operations Specialist La Quyssa Caldwell at

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