Visiting Assistant Professor
Contact Information
V. Joshua Adams received his Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from the University of Chicago in 2014. He is writing a book on literary impersonality and philosophical skepticism. A translator, poet, and critic, his work has appeared in The FSG Book of Twentieth Century Italian Poetry, Chicago Review, Harvard Review, nonsite, Colloquium, and elsewhere.
Courses Taught
Note: Credit may not be received for both 102 and 105. Open only to exceptionally qualified students who have been notified of their eligibility. Completion discharges the general education requirement for two terms of freshman composition. Extensive practice of writing and reading, with several assignments requiring research.
Prerequisite: ENGL 202. Note: Schedule of Courses indicates sections devoted to poetry, fiction, and drama respectively. Each section focuses on the writing of either fiction or poetry or drama; analysis of professional technique and of student writing. Class discussion and individual conferences.
Prerequisite: ENGL 102 or 105. A survey of American writers. Historical period: post 1900.
Prerequisite: ENGL 102 or 105. A study of selected poetry in English since 1955. Historical period: post 1900.
Prerequisite: ENGL 102 or 105; ENGL 300 or 310. Note: Approved for the Arts and Sciences upper-level requirement in written communication (WR). Formerly ENGL-321; credit may not be earned for this course by students with credit for ENGL-321. Study of selected works, in a variety of genres, from 1910 to 1960. Taught with attention to historical and cultural context. Historical period: post 1900.
Prerequisite: ENGL 102 or 105; ENGL 300 or 310. Note: Approved for the Arts and Sciences upper-level requirement in written communication (WR). Formerly ENGL-322; credit may not be earned for this course by students with credit for ENGL-322. Study of selected works, in a variety of genres, from 1960 to the present day. Taught with attention to historical and cultural context. Historical period: post 1900.
Prerequisite: ENGL 102 or 105; ENGL 306 and 310. Study of selected theories for the interpretation of literary and other texts, from the New Criticism to the present.
Prerequisite: ENGL 102 or 105; junior standing. Study of the works of a selected writer or grouping of writers, in literary, biographical, and/or social context. Historical period: varies by semester-see
schedule of courses.
Educational Background
Ph.D., University of Chicago
Teaching and Research Interests
Poetry and Poetics, Literature and Philosophy, Literary Theory, Modernism, Comparative Literature, The Self, American Literature since 1865.