Hung Nguyen

Technology Consultant I

English Dept. Staff

Room 104C
Bingham Humanities, Belknap Campus

Office Hours:
MTW 8:00 am - 6:00 pm - office
TR 8:00 am - 5:30 pm - office
F - off flex


hung.nguyen at

Contact Hung if you need check-out equipment for teaching or research or if you have questions regarding the following topics.

  • Chrome Book Issues
  • Computer and Mac Technical Support
  • Computer Labs (Windows and iOS) Technical Support
  • Computer and Mac Technical Support for the University Writing Center
  • Department Active Directory and Group Policy Management
  • MDT
  • Department Equipment Checkout
  • Department ListServ lists
  • Department Networking Printers Server
  • Department Printers Issues
  • Department Shared Drive (File share and restore)
  • Department Sharepoints
  • Department Website
  • Email
  • Mobile Phones - email setup, networking (Android, Windows, Apple)
  • MS Suite (Word, Excel, PP, Access) 2000 - 2019, O365 products
  • Networking - LAN and Wireless Issues
  • Security
  • Skype
  • Google Hangout 
  • MS Teams
  • Software or Hardware Installation and Upgrade
  • Software and Hardware Issues
  • Symantec, PGP, BitLocker, TrueCrypt and FileVault Encryption
  • Syncplicity access/Issues
  • CardBox access, storage, troubleshooting? issues?
  • MS One Drive
  • Virus/Spyware/Malware/Spam Issues
  • Global VPN