
Plain Text icon Positive_Student_Profile_Goals_at_a_Glance.txt — Plain Text, 2 KB (2187 bytes)

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 Positive Student-Profile 


This form is to be filled out to provide a �snapshot� of your youth 

that should be reflected in his/her IEP. 


1. Who is your child? 

 (Describe your child, including information such as place in family, personality, likes and dislikes.) 




2. What are his/her strengths? 

 (Highlight all areas in which he/she does well, including educational and social environments.) 




3. What are his/her successes? 

 (List all successes, no matter how small.) 




4. What are his/her greatest challenges? 

 (List the areas in which he/she has the greatest difficulties.) 




5. What supports does he/she need? 

 (List supports that will help him/her achieve his/her potential.) 





6. What are his/her dreams for the future? 

 (Describe his/her vision for the future, including both short-term and long-term goals.) 





7. Other helpful information. 

 (List any pertinent information, including healthcare needs, not detailed elsewhere on the form.) 





Adapted from: Collaborative Teams for Students with Severe Disabilities: Integrating Therapy and Educational 
Services, Beverly Rainforth, Ph.D., P.T., Jennifer York, Ph.D., P.T., Cathy Macdonald, M.A., C.C.C./S.L.P. 







This form is to be filled out by the parent and shared with the team. 

Under each heading below, enter a few major goals that you feel the IEP should address. 








Social / Emotional / Behavioral: 












Daily Living: 






Transition to Adulthood (No later than age 14): 













Adapted from: Thousand, J.S., Project Director. The Homecoming Model: Educating Students Who Present 
Intensive Educational Challenges Within Regular Education Environments, September 1986.