BRCH-KATC Public Service Police.txt

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File contents

Awareness and education of first responders 
about disabilities increases their ability to provide 
appropriate response. Recognizing behaviors 
associated with autism will allow you to best respond 
to the situation. 

A person on the autism spectrum may: 

1. Not respond to a uniform, badge, or other 
emergency response symbols. Autism may limit 
a person�s ability to recognize and differentiate 
uniforms and other common symbols. Pointing out 
these items to allow the person to focus is helpful. 
2. Not provide I.D. when asked. Be patient and speak 
slowly and calmly. Keep questions simple and allow 
time for answers. Repeat or rephrase. The person 
may not be able to speak. Check for ID jewelry, an ID 
card, or ID sewn into the individual�s clothing. 
3. Lack awareness of danger. Gently persuade or 
remove the person from the dangerous situation. 
Offer an alternative to the dangerous action. Be 
aware that if the person is anxious there is a risk they 
could bolt without warning. 
4. Continue to do something after being told to 
stop. Demonstrative, non-threatening gestures 
may communicate more effectively than a verbal 
command. Demonstrate what you want the person 
to do. Repeat the behaviors and instructions. Use 
a communication board if possible and allow time 
for processing of information before responses are 
5. Appear to be under the influence of alcohol or 
drugs. The actions of people with ASD can appear 
to be odd or inappropriate. When asked about drug 
use, the person may admit to having taken drugs 
if they take prescribed medications. Avoid making 
assumptions about alcohol or drug use. 
6. Become self-injurious. Under stress an individual 
may become self-injurious. Use the least invasive 
technique possible to ensure the individual�s safety. 
7. Become aggressive. Restraints should only be 
used if the individual�s or other�s safety is at risk. 
Individuals with ASD may have a poorly developed 
upper trunk area. Positional asphyxia could occur so 
it is critical to ensure that a prone position is not used 
and the person is moved to a secure and quiet place 
away from distractions. Also, the individual may be 
hypo-sensitive and not feel pain the same as others. 
Therefore, typical indications of pain would not be 
evident. De-escalation techniques to calm or distract 
the individual are safer and more effective. 

Important Safety Facts 






For more information: 

Kentucky Autism Training Center 





Autism Spectrum 

and Law Enforcement 

What is Autism? 
When May Police Encounter an 
Individual with Autisum? 
Autism Facts 
Recognizing Autism 
....Reverse pronouns such as �Can I stop?� instead 
of �Can you stop?� 
....Give misleading statments or false confessions 
Recognizing Autism 
....Reverse pronouns such as �Can I stop?� instead 
of �Can you stop?� 
....Give misleading statments or false confessions