Prof. Abrams quoted in Washington Post

Prof. Abrams quoted in Washington Post

Jamie Abrams

Prof. Jamie Abrams was quoted in an Aug. 1 Washington Post article about a surprising ruling by the First Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals.

"Reversing a U.S. District Court decision, the panel ruled Friday that a former athlete’s suit against Columbia University, which suspended him for a year for 'sexual assault: nonconsensual sexual intercourse,' may go forward based on his claim that university officials acted with anti-male bias, in violation of Title IX, the federal education law that bars discrimination by schools receiving federal funds," reads the story.

Abrams' research focuses on reproductive and birthing decision-making, gendered citizenship, legal protections for immigrant victims of domestic violence and legal education pedagogy.

“The idea that vigilance to victims is a ‘pro-woman bias’ potentially amounting to discrimination is a concerning perspective,” she says in the story. “Any defendants should be entitled to due process, without question. It is important that universities continue to recognize their obligations to investigate and act fairly such that this decision will not temper or stagnate the critical cultural and institutional changes that were underway.”