National security law expert visits Louisville Law
- Professor Stephen Vladeck addresses a full room at Louisville Law.
Stephen Vladeck, A. Dalton Cross Professor in Law at the University of Texas at Austin School of Law, brought his national security expertise to Louisville for a special presentation on October 9, 2018.
Vladeck, a nationally recognized expert on the role of the federal courts in the war on terrorism, has appeared in a variety of legal publications, including the Harvard Law Review and the Yale Law Journal. He is also CNN's Supreme Court analyst, a co-author of Aspen Publishers' national security law and counterterrorism law casebooks and co-hosts the National Security Law Podcast.
He came to Louisville Law thanks to the Dean's Mentoring Grant and as part of the 2018-19 Faculty Speaker Series.
Vladeck is serving as a mentor to Professor Justin Walker. The mentoring grant provides junior and recently tenured faculty with an opportunity to get focused attention from a national expert on a piece of scholarship they are working on.
"Steve Vladeck’s visit shows what a great idea the Dean’s Mentoring Grant is," says Walker. "The students, faculty and I learned a lot from Steve’s extremely engaging talk. The room was riveted! Plus, Steve shared some great advice with me about several of my future articles. And since I think he enjoyed his time at our school, I think he will be a great ambassador for the University of Louisville."
Vladeck discussed his research on the rights and rules of national security.