BLSA pairs up 1Ls with professional mentors

BLSA pairs up 1Ls with professional mentors

Members of BLSA stand with Dean Duncan (center).

At a reception last week, 1L members of the Black Law Students Association had the chance to network with local professionals, with the goal of being matched up with a mentor.

BLSA invited the Louisville Bar Association and the Charles W. Anderson Jr. Bar Association (formerly the Louisville Black Lawyers Association) to meet its new members. BLSA members were encouraged to network with the professionals, learning more about their areas of expertise and learning more about the local legal community.

This year's incoming class has 21 students of color, an increase over recent years, said BLSA President Briana Lathon.

Major goals of the group are to foster relationships among those students and provide them with academic resources such as study guides and outlines, she said.