

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is MAPS?

The Modern Apprenticeship Pathways to Success (MAPS) Program is a Department of Labor grant project that seeks to develop and expand apprenticeships in Healthcare, Information Technology, and Advanced Manufacturing to train, upskill, and reskill the local workforce.

Our goals:

  • Develop 49 existing academic programs across partnering education institutions into Registered Apprenticeship Programs (RAPs).
  • Enroll and support 5,300 students intentionally targeting the military-connected and underrepresented populations.
  • Produce competency frameworks and supporting materials for establishing and scaling RAPs.

Additionally, this project will be leveraged to fuel innovative research serving to expand our collective knowledge of experiential learning as well as develop replicable technical support for other organizations interested in developing their own RAPs.

For more information visit the About Us page.

What is an apprenticeship?

Apprenticeships are employer-driven, earn-and-learn experiences used to recruit, train, and retain a skilled workforce. They combine classroom learning, on-the-job application, and mentorship in a paid experience that leads to a relevant credential, all in a safe working environment.

5 Pillars of Apprenticeships: 

Who is eligible to participate in MAPS?

Eligibility to participate in MAPS-developed programs is dependent on the type of program offering and employer requirements. For example, those interested in an academic apprenticeship must be enrolled at the post-secondary institution offering the program.

Myth: Apprenticeship programs are for trade occupations only.

Flase. While apprenticeships are typically thought as trade specific, they actually aren't limited to any specific industry, trade, or type of occupation. Apprenticeships can exist at the intersection of education and industry ranging in any and all fields.

Why should employers register an apprenticeship?

Register apprenticeships:

  • Affect your company’s bottom line through higher retention (92% retention) and return on investment ($1.47 return on investment).
  • Set your company apart by investing in your talent development which can increase productivity, company culture, and employee satisfaction.
  • Cement the structure of training programs.
  • Make you eligible for federal resources, state tax credits, and technical assistance.

What funding is available to support apprenticeship program creation or expansion?

Each year the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) announces funding opportunities, some of which are focused on apprenticeship expansion activities. To view current funding opportunities and information on state tax credits, please visit the links below:

Resources and Success Tools 

Free Career Workshops:

MAPS offers two free career workshop series. Watch the videos below to learn about the transition from the military to the civilian workforce, resume and cover letters, job search and online presence, and effective interview skills. 


University of Louisville's Resources:

UofL Concern Center

This directory is a service of the Dean of Students Office, designed to help students find resources on campus based on various concerns.
Students may select the category associated with their concern, search for their concern, or check the alphabetical listing of concerns.

Examples of resources listed in the directory include: Student Success CenterWriting CenterREACHFinancial AidCounseling Center
Disability Resource CenterCampus Health Services, and Cardinal Cupboard.

Community-based Resources: 

My KY Info  

This is a mobile-optimized website that pulls together the services in communities across the Commonwealth of Kentucky. It includes only services that are free and provides all of the information needed to know what they offer, where they are located, when they are open, and any requirements to received help. 

Westend Apprenticeship Collaborative (WAC)

Established in 2022, the Westend Apprenticeship Collaborative (WAC) seeks to understand the challenges faced by minorities and community organizations within West Louisville, while connecting them to continued training and education. Focused primarily on apprenticeship development, the WAC engages stakeholders in conversations to collectively generate ideas and best practices that help support the community.

Contact Us

Grant award number: HG-34348-20-60-A-21| Principal Investigator: Jeffrey Sun
This workforce product was funded by a grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration. The product was created by the recipient and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Labor. The Department of Labor makes no guarantees, warranties, or assurances of any kind, express or implied, with respect to such information, including any information on linked sites and including, but not limited to, accuracy of the information or its completeness, timeliness, usefulness, adequacy, continued availability, or ownership. This product is copyrighted by the institution that created it.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License