The Faculty Senate is the officially-recognized governance group for all faculty members at the University of Louisville. As such, the Faculty Senate participates in the shared governance process with the University Administration, the Staff Senate and the Student Government Association.
In its advisory role, the Faculty Senate reviews University policies and budgets, proposed academic programs, institutes and centers, and any documents affecting faculty, and makes recommendations to the Administration on issues of concern for the welfare of the faculty, as a whole.
The Faculty Senate consists of sixty-four (64) members, each elected by their unit. Membership is open to all faculty members. Each unit is allotted a number of representatives according to a formula determined in the bylaws of the Faculty Senate. Faculty Senators serve three year terms.
Part-time faculty are recognized as vital members of the academic community, and have the opportunity to serve on the Senate's Part-time Faculty Committee.
Next Faculty Senate Meeting
April 2, 2025
3 P.M.
Chao Auditorium
Ekstrom Library
Belknap Campus