The Teaching Profession
Introduction to the basic principles of human development and learning as applied to home and school settings of children from birth to adolescence.
Field placement hours: 18 (9 hours in a school/educational setting across two sessions). Satisfies a general education requirement.
Human Development & Learning
Provides opportunities to survey the field of education through the study of educational theories, field experiences, and evaluation of education as a career. Some fieldwork required during class hours.
Field placement hours: 15 (7 hours in a school/educational setting across two sessions; 1 hour at the early Learning Campus).
Relevant Materials
Field Experience Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Downloadable Field Experience Log Sheet
HOW-TO VIDEO: Background Checks and Field Experience Paperwork
HOW-TO WRITTEN PRESENTATION: Background Checks and Field Experience Paperwork
HOW-TO VIDEO: Filling Out a Field Experience Log
HOW-TO VIDEO: Digital Signature in Adobe
HOW-TO: Download your CAN Check
HOW-TO: Prepare for Field Experiences
HOW-TO: Sample Email for Correspondence with Mentor Teachers
HOW-TO: PBIS (Positive Behavior in Schools) Training and Certificate
Professional Code of Ethics for Kentucky School Certified Personnel
CEHD Dispositions Assessment Rubric
Dispositions Assessment Companion Document
Kentucky Educator Credentialing System (KECS)
State Regulation 16 KAR 5:040 governs admission, placement, and supervision in student teaching and stipulates that all candidates electronically document 200 hours of fieldwork prior to student teaching. The Education Professional Standards Board (EPSB) has developed an online system, the Kentucky Field Experience Tracking System (KFETS) for candidates enrolled in any course with a field experience component.
Teacher candidates are ultimately responsible for completing and reporting their field hours in KFETS.
Kentucky Test Requirements for Entrance to Educator Preparation Programs
Cooperating Teachers
(P-12 teachers hosting Student Teachers)
The Role of the Cooperating Teacher
Cooperating Teacher Contact Information Form
Steps to Completing a Formal Teaching Observation in Clinical Practice
Assessment Guides, Templates, and Rubrics is a resource page with links to teaching and assessment documents and Kentucky state teacher educator websites.
Process for submitting electronic assessments of student teachers
Cooperating Teachers will receive links via email from "OEDCP Account" to assess the student teacher’s lesson plan, observed teaching, post-lesson reflection, and dispositions. There will be one assessment per placement or one assessment at midterm and final if the student teacher remains at the same site throughout the semester.
Cooperating Teacher Payment Program and Training
Payment forms for Cooperating Teachers
JCPS Cooperating Teachers only
Please set up a Cooperating Teacher profile at Click on the "JCPS Employees Serving as Mentoring Teachers" tab and follow the prompts.
Mentor Teachers
(P-12 teachers hosting Methods-level students)
Assessment Guides, Templates, and Rubrics is a resource page with links to teaching and assessment documents and Kentucky state teacher educator websites.
Field handbooks
Kentucky Teacher Performance Standards
Field handbooks
Kentucky Teacher Performance Standards
Assessment Guides, Templates, and Rubrics is a resource page with links to documents and Kentucky state teacher educator websites. The page includes:
Kentucky Field Documentation - KECS
HOW TO: Combine Files in Adobe Acrobat.
Downloadable Field Experience Log Sheet
HOW-TO Video: Filling out a Field Experience Log
Keep track of field time with the Field Log Checklist and Calculator
See how to complete the Field Log Checklist and Calculator
Upon notification, teacher candidates will complete the student teaching application in the semester immediately preceding the clinical semester. Components of the application will be accessible to on-track teacher candidates in Foliotek. Access the Student Teaching Application webpage for detailed information.
The Role of the University Supervisor
Steps to Completing a Formal Teaching Observation in Clinical Practice
Assessment Guides, Templates, and Rubrics is a resource page with links to teaching and assessment documents and Kentucky state teacher educator websites.
Communication of Concern Template
Communication of Concern Procedure
Teacher Candidate Handbooks
KY State Requirements for University Supervisors
Cooperating Teacher Training - Part B
(required of University Supervisors if not previously completed)
Student Teaching Application webpage
Student Teaching Application Requirements Checklist
Guides to submitting assignments to supervisors in Foliotek
Middle and Secondary Education
Kentucky Teacher Performance Standards
Assessment Guides, Templates, and Rubrics is a resource page with links to documents and Kentucky state teacher educator websites. The page includes:
Self-Assessment of Dispositions
Student teachers will complete a Self-Assessment of Dispositions at midterm and close of the student teaching semester. An email notification will be sent to students when the assessment is available for access.
Graduation/Degree Application (log in to ULink)
The Role of the OEDCP in the CEHD
Regional school district email addresses