Alumni Appointments


The University Career Center offers appointments (virtual or in-person) free of charge for alumni within 2 years of graduation. Alumni beyond two years of graduation require a different level of service than the UCC can provide. Eligible alumni can meet with one of the four career coaches (depending upon target industry) to discuss career exploration, resumes, cover letters, interviewing, or developing a targeted job search strategy.  

Appointment Hours: Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.



Log into Cardinal Careers to make an appointment. If you do not have a Cardinal Careers account, you can request one. 

Late Policy

Appointments will be rescheduled when:

  • 10 minutes late for a 30-minute appointment
  • 15 minutes late for an hour appointment

Appointment Policy


Participants are expected to show up for appointments they have scheduled. If the participant fails to show up for a scheduled appointment and fails to notify the University Career Center prior to the appointment time, the participant’s access to services may be suspended. Students and alumni are expected to model the norms of professional behavior that are commonly found in the workplace and describe in the CARDINAL Principles.  

First No-Show/Second No-Show:

  • If the student/alumni no-shows for the first scheduled appointment with any staff member, they will receive an email informing them that they have missed a scheduled appointment.

Third No-Show:

  • The student/alumni will receive an email after the third missed scheduled appointment notifying them that they have been blocked from scheduling any future appointments.  To remove the block, the student/alumni must contact the staff member with whom they wish to meet to explain why they have missed appointments and to request reinstatement. Reinstatement will be at the discretion of the staff member.


If reinstatement is denied and the student/alumni wishes to appeal the reinstatement decision, they must call the University Career Center and schedule an appointment with the Director to discuss their appeal.


It is the responsibility of the participant to contact the University Career Center within 24 hours if they are not able to keep their appointment. If there is a special circumstance, the Center will respond accordingly and make arrangements.