University of Louisville

Tour our Campus!

Interactive Campus Map (Belknap Campus)

Informational Video "Tour" of the Graduate School



Graduate School
The Graduate School currently has more than 149 programs offering approximately 39 doctoral , 89 masters, 3 professional and 18 certificate degrees.

College of Arts & Sciences | A&S Graduate Education
As UofL's largest academic unit, the College of A&S offers a diverse range of opportunities from over 30 departments and programs in natural and physical sciences, social and behavioral sciences, and arts and humanities.

Graduate Student Council (GSC)
The Graduate Student Council (GSC) commits to serve as a governing body, to provide a voice to all graduate students, to promote academic research, and to facilitate leadership opportunities.

Graduate Network in A&S (GNAS)
The Graduate Network in A&S (GNAS) serves as the representative body for graduate students in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Other University Resources:
Cultural Center
LGBT Center
Writing Center
Disability Resource Center
Dining Services
Campus Health Services
University Libraries
Schedule of Classes
University Calendars

About the University of Louisville