Graduate Student Council

About the Graduate Student Council

     The Graduate Student Council (GSC) commits to serve as a governing body, to provide a voice to all graduate students, to promote academic research, and to facilitate leadership opportunities. The GSC is an organization made up of all nonprofessional graduate students. All students who are getting a graduate degree other than a MD, DMD, JD, MBA, or MEng are members of the GSC. (Please check GSC reps to find out which programs are eligible for our resources) The GSC is comprised of executive officers and representatives from MD/PHD departments in the Graduate School. GSC helps set policies and creates programming to support all graduate students at the University of Louisville.

Get Involved with GSC

     GSC representatives are your fellow graduate students, both Master's and Doctoral. The responsibility of representatives from each department is to attend GSC meetings (held monthly) and communicate with fellow students within their respective departments. GSC meetings are held to update students on important information pertaining to them, to discuss graduate concerns, and to improve the graduate experience at UofL. The representatives and officers on the council allocate funds to best serve graduate student's needs at UofL by offering travel grants, research grants, and planning events for graduate students, like our annual Halloween Party.  Talk to your department about becoming the GSC representative for your unit.  Check out the current list of representatives here.

GSC hosted an event and this highlights our students having some breakfast with the GSC executive team.

Follow the GSC on Facebook
Follow the GSC on Instagram 

Adviser of the GSC
Dr. Beth Boehm
Dean, Graduate School