Program Admissions

Thank you for your interest in the Clinical Psychology Ph.D. program at the University of Louisville. This and other pages are intended to provide prospective students and other publics with program information and application instructions. Our department does not offer a terminal Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology.

The following Clinical faculty members WILL BE accepting applications for the upcoming 2025-26 academic year:
To be posted by early September 2024 or so.

The following Clinical faculty members WILL NOT BE accepting applications for the upcoming 2025-26 academic year:
To be posted by early September 2024 or so.


The program accepts new students in the Fall Semester only. Our application deadline is December 1st.

How to Apply

Please visit our Application Instructions page before applying. This page includes important information on the application process, as well as required materials that MUST be submitted for your application to be considered complete.

Admission Qualifications 

Typically, applicants who are admitted to our program possess the following minimum qualifications:

⦁   undergraduate degree in Psychology
⦁   GPAs of 3.0 or higher
⦁   strong letters of recommendation
⦁   experience in a research lab

 The Clinical Psychology Ph.D. program is highly selective.  Even very highly qualified applicants may not be offered admission due to their research interests not aligning with those of our faculty.

We value Equity, Diversity, and Inclusiveness!

Our program is committed to recruiting qualified students from diverse backgrounds and supporting their success through to their degrees and beyond. We highly encourage students from groups who have been typically excluded from clinical psychology programs, both historically and currently, to apply to our program!

  • The Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences has an active and engaged Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee that includes faculty, students and staff and is open to everyone in our community. Our DEI committee has many connections on campus. A departmental Graduate student DEI group is also active. DEI group actions and accomplishments in the current academic year have included development of equity feedback forms and undergraduate climate surveys, DEI faculty reading groups and promoting student success on our website.
  • Our DEI action goals for the upcoming year are to continue to build communication and involvement with outreach to our undergraduate students and other groups on campus and to continue to review our departmental policies.
  • These values are reflected in campus-wide UofL activities and organizations and initiatives, some of which are highlighted, below:


Typically, all graduate students in the department are supported for five years of study. Sources of funding include fellowships, research assistantships, teaching assistantships, and clinical placements. All carry full tuition remission and health insurance. Graduate teaching assistantship stipends for 2023-2024 are $24,000/12 months. Fellowships ($24,000/12 months) are competitively awarded.


Admissions Data

Click here for a record of clinical program admissions data (pdf).

1. CUDCP's policy for Admissions Offers and Acceptances (pdf)

2. General Information about CUDCP Programs (pdf)