The ULSON Student Affinity Group Project
Within the UL School of Nursing, affinity groups are identified as a community of ULSON Student/Scholars who have identified a common characteristic, goal, or interest that supports their growth, and development in the profession of nursing as reflected in the ANA code of ethics.
Affinity groups can be focused on clinical interests (specialties such as mother-baby, techniques such as simulation/IT, research, innovation); populations (e.g. underserved, community or international); Identity/culture/language (e.g. LGBTQ, ethnic/cultural/religious status, men in nursing, English as another language); academic interests (e.g. study strategies, writing, presentations, research); policy issues (e.g. social justice, advanced practice, care systems) or professional communication (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, print). Other areas may be appropriate. No political party activity.
Affinity groups may be formed for up to one academic year (August – May). Groups may reform in subsequent years if there is renewed interest.
All affinity groups must receive approval from a faculty member and must have a designated faculty advisor who has consented to work with the identified group. Group name/membership/goal, student leadership, and faculty advisor name must be submitted to the ULSON Office of Community Engagement and Diversity Inclusion.
A maximum of 10 Affinity Groups will be funded for each academic year. Affinity Groups will be eligible for funding up to $100 (based on availability each academic year) for food, supplies, and or materials that support the functioning/purpose of the group. Utilization of these funds must be approved by the faculty advisor in advance and funding will be provided by the ULSON Office of Community Engagement and Diversity Inclusion.
Contact faculty for specifics and restrictions.
The deadline for submissions is January each year.