Resident and Fellow Research

There are many opportunities to get involved with research as a UofL resident or fellow. Below are some of the recent projects our trainees have been involved with this academic year.

American Society of Emergency Radiology, Washington D.C, September 11-14, 2024. Scientific Exhibit. Artificial intelligence-driven worklist reprioritization improves turnaround time of AI-detected free intraperitoneal air in the Emergency Department. Manting Xu (M4), BA, Royale Lim, DO, MJ Negahdar, PhD, MBA, Jonathan Joshi, MD

American College of Radiology Quality and Safety and Informatics Conference, Washington, D.C, September 19-21, 2024. Poster Presentation: How AI Work List Integration Affected Reporting Times For Cervical Spine Fractures. Nita Nair (M4), Royale Lim, DO, Jonathan Joshi, MD, MJ Negahdar, PhD, MBA

American College of Radiology Quality and Safety and Informatics Conference, Washington, D.C, September 19-21, 2024. Poster Presentation: Assessing the Effectiveness of Ai-Enhanced Triage Systems in Reducing Wait Times for Outpatient CT Scans. Royale Lim, DO, Nita Nair (M4), Jonathan  Joshi, MD, MJ Negahdar, PhD, MBA

Dr. Henderson Jones at AUR 2023
2023 AUR 3rd Place Scientific Trainee Prize Recipient: Dr. Henderson Jones

Symposium on Clinical Interventional Oncology (CIO), Miami Beach Florida, September 20-22, 2024. Poster Presentation. Treatment of Hemorrhagic Rectal Varices with Transhepatic Embolization in a Patient with Rectal Cancer History.  Abstract ID: 1845080.  Rocklin Shumaker, MD, Weston Kinison, MD, Nana Ohene Baah, MD.

Symposium on Clinical Interventional Oncology (CIO), Miami Beach Florida, September 20-22, 2024. Poster Presentation. Hepatic Arterioportal Fistula Following Liver Biopsy: A Case Report.  Abstract ID: 1845119.  Rocklin Shumaker, MD, Weston Kinison, MD, Nana Ohene Baah, MD.

Symposium on Clinical Interventional Oncology (CIO), Miami Beach Florida, September 20-22, 2024. Poster Presentation. An Unusual Case of Kyphoplasty For T2 Thoracic Metastasis of Neuroendocrine Tumor.  Abstract ID: 1845096.  Weston Kinison, MD,  Rocklin Shumaker, MD Nana Ohene Baah, MD.

Symposium on Clinical Interventional Oncology (CIO), Miami Beach Florida, September 20-22, 2024. Poster Presentation. Treatment of Hemorrhagic Rectal Varices with Transhepatic Embolization in a Patient with Rectal Cancer History.  Abstract ID: 1845080.  Rocklin Shumaker, MD, Weston Kinison, MD, Nana Ohene Baah, MD.

Symposium on Clinical Interventional Oncology (CIO), Miami Beach Florida, September 20-22, 2024. Poster Presentation. Hepatic Arterioportal Fistula Following Liver Biopsy: A Case Report.  Abstract ID: 1845119.  Rocklin Shumaker, MD, Weston Kinison, MD, Nana Ohene Baah, MD.

Symposium on Clinical Interventional Oncology (CIO), Miami Beach Florida, September 20-22, 2024. Poster Presentation. An Unusual Case of Kyphoplasty For T2 Thoracic Metastasis of Neuroendocrine Tumor.  Abstract ID: 1845096.  Weston Kinison, MD,  Rocklin Shumaker, MD Nana Ohene Baah, MD.

Zhang, Y., Joshi, J., & Hadi, M. (2024). AI in acute cerebrovascular disorders: What can the radiologist contribute? Seminars in Roentgenology.

Zhang, Y., Hamidi, R. E., & Hadi, M. (2024). Cerebral small vessel ischemic disease: A source of patient panic or a case of pragmatic reporting? Seminars in Roentgenology.

Society of Abdominal Radiology 2024 Annual Meeting, Hollywood, FL, April 14-19, 2024. Educational Exhibit: Commonly Encountered Abdominal Injuries of the GI Tract In Motor Vehicle Collision Patients. Tatiana Mamaliga, MD, Justin Eichinger, Alexander Myers, Henderson Jones, MD, JD, Nana Ohene-Baah, MD, Keith Miller, MD, Jonathan Joshi, MD.

36th Annual International Symposium on Endovascular Therapy (ISET), Miami, FL, January 22-25, 2024. Poster Presentation Abstract ID: 1622246 , Acquired Uterine Arteriovenous Malformation Managed with Embolization: Two Cases. M. Rocklin Shumaker, MD, Hanna Thompson (M4), Nana Ohene Baah, MD.

36th Annual International Symposium on Endovascular Therapy (ISET), Miami, FL, January 22-25, 2024. Poster Presentation Abstract ID: 1648619, Chronically Migrated Midline Catheter Identified on CT-PE.  Varun G. Ramakrishnan, MD, Hanna Thompson, BS (M4), Caleb Walker, MD, Fahimul Huda, MD,  Nana Ohene-Baah, MD.

36th Annual International Symposium on Endovascular Therapy (ISET), Miami, FL, January 22-25, 2024. Poster Presentation Abstract ID: 1628572, Exploring Risk Factors that Increase Bleeding in Patients who Undergo Renal Biopsy Requiring Endovascular Embolization. Ramakrishna Bysani, MD, Nana Ohene Baah, MD, Tracy Van Meter, MD, Sohail Contractor, MD.

2023 RSNA Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 26-30, 2023. Electronic Poster: Patient Perspectives on AI Implementation in Radiology, From Generation to Generation. Nabid Ahmed, MD, MJ Negahdar, Phd, Jonathan Joshi, MD, Sohail Contractor, MD.

2023 RSNA Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 26-30, 2023. Educational Exhibit: Evaluating Primary and Secondary Endpoints in Intracranial Hemorrhage Al Algorithms - A Review of Current Market Algorithms and a Proposed Retraining Model for Improving Patient Triaging. Raviteja Suryadevara, MD, Nishanth Thiyagarajah, MS4, MJ Negahdar, Phd, Sohail Contractor, MD.

Early Medical Student Exposure to Research, Trauma and Radiology | American College of Radiology (  Henderson M. Jones, MD, JD, and Hanna K. Thompson (medical student, University of Louisville)

Clinical Interventional Oncology (CIO), Orlando, FL, September 22-24, 2023. Poster Presentation: Concurrent Liver Ablation and Paracentesis in Patients with Preexisting Ascites. Abstract ID: 1554479. Vishal Somnay, MD, Hanna Thompson MS4, Sohail Contractor MD.

Clinical Interventional Oncology (CIO), Orlando, FL, September 22-24, 2023. Poster Presentation: Thyroid Ablation after Thyroid Cancer Recurrence in a Hostile Neck. Hanna Thompson MS4, Vishal Somnay, MD, Bryan Glaenzer, MD.

Clinical Interventional Oncology (CIO), Orlando, FL, September 22-24, 2023. Poster Presentation: Palliative Ablation and Kyphoplasty for a Suspected Metastatic Fracture. Hanna Thompson MS4, Vishal Somnay, MD, Nana Ohene Baah, MD.

SNIS 20th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, July 31st – August 4th, 2023. Poster Presentation: The Widespread Incorporation of IVUS Into Neuroendovascular Interventions. Richardson AL, Richardson OK

SNIS 20th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, July 31st – August 4th, 2023. Poster Presentation: Improved Time to Diagnosis with Portable MR Imaging. Richardson OK, Richardson AL, Mukherjee S.

The lifesaving effects of cardiac adhesions. Radiology Case Reports July 2023, Vol 18 (7); p.2461-2464. Adam Richardson DO, Olivia Richardson, MD, Pharm D, Rebecca Guan, Ryan Anderson and Tracy Van Meter, MD.

2023 Annual GEST Meting (Global Embolization Symposium & Technologies), New York City, NY, May 18-21, 2023. Poster Presentation: Management of Intractable encephalopathy with concurrent TIPS and shunt embolization: A case report.  Nishanth Thiyagarajah MS, Raviteja Suryadeva MD, Nana Ohene-Baah, MD, Sohail Contractor, MD.

2023 Annual ACR Meeting, Washington, D.C., May 6-10, 2023. Poster Presentation: Patient Simulated Cases increase confidence of residents when managing adverse events related to radiological procedures. Wilfred Furtado, Andrew Cullett, MD, Jonathan Joshi, MD and Tracy Van Meter, MD.

Testicular Metastasis from Prostate Cancer Demonstrated on PSMA PET/CT, Tatiana Mamaliga, MD, Jose Antiono Obando, MD, Yiyan Liu, MD: 37167255

LINC 2023, Leipzig, Germany, June 6-9, 2023. Oral Presentation: Comparative Outcomes in Percutaneous Radiological Gastrostomy Placement Techniques Umair Munawar, DO, Vishal Somnay, MD, Wilfred Furtado BA, Henderson M. Jones, MD, JD Nicholas Kemper, BS, Paul Johnson, BS, Rishi Jonnala, BS, Joshua Hill, BS, Nana Ohene Baah, MD. 

LINC 2023, Leipzig, Germany, June 6-9, 2023. Oral Presentation: Embolization of the Thoracic Duct Utilizing Only Liquid Embolic Agent. Umair Munawar, DO; Vishal Somnay, MD; Wilfred Furtado, BA, Nicholas Kemper BS, Rian Holayter, MD.

LINC 2023, Leipzig, Germany, June 6-9, 2023. Oral Presentation: Type II Endoleaks and Their Unique Approaches. Umair Munawar, DO;Wilfred Furtado, BA; Henderson M. Jones, MD, JD; Rian Holayter, MD; Sohail Contractor, MD.

LINC 2023, Leipzig, Germany, June 6-9, 2023. Oral Presentation: Gastroduodenal Artery Stump Pseudoaneurysm Rupture Following Selective Coil Embolization Repaired Using Covered Stent Placement. Umair Munawar, DO; Vishal Somnay, MD; Wilfred Furtado, BA; Henderson M. Jones, MD, JD; Eric Schoen, BS; Nana Ohene-Baah, MD.

LINC 2023, Leipzig, Germany, June 6-9, 2023. Oral Presentation: Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunting in the Management of Hepatic Hydrothorax. Umair Munawar, DO; Wilfred Furtado, BA, Henderson M. Jones, MD, JD; Nicholas W Kemper, BS, Samuel Bockhorst, MD; Kyle Rizenbergs, MD; Nana Ohene Baah, MD; Bryan Glaenzer MD.

LINC 2023, Leipzig, Germany, June 6-9, 2023. Oral Presentation: The “IRANI” Procedure and its Role in Salvaging Arteriovenous Fistulas. Umair Munawar, DO; Vishal Somnay, MD; Wilfred Furtado, BA; Henderson M. Jones, MD, JD;Nicholas Kemper, BS; Clinton Tyler, BS; Bryan Glaenzer, MD. 

LINC 2023, Leipzig, Germany, June 6-9, 2023. Oral Presentation: Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibody Associated Renal Microaneurysms Managed with Renal Embolization. Umair Munawar, DO; Micheal Shumaker, MD; Wilfred Furtado BA; Henderson M. Jones, MD, JD; Joshua Hill, BS;Nicholas Kemper, BS; Rian Holayter, MD; Micheal Chorney, MD. 

LINC 2023, Leipzig, Germany, June 6-9, 2023. Poster Presentation:  Management of Atypical Hemangioma with Kyphoplasty. Umair Munawar, DO, Wilfred Furtado, BA, Henderson Jones, MD, JD, Joshua C. Hill, BS; Nicholas Kemper, BS; Nana Ohene-Baah, MD,

LINC 2023, Leipzig, Germany, June 6-9, 2023. Poster Presentation: Large Pulmonary Emboli and Paradoxical Embolism Treated With Catheter Directed Thrombolysis. Umair Munawar, DO, Henderson M. Jones, MD, JD; Wilfred Furtado, BA, Justin Eichinger, BS; Nicholas Kemper, BS; Nana Ohene-Baah, MD. 

LINC 2023, Leipzig, Germany, June 6-9, 2023. Poster Presentation: Successful Retrieval of an Intravascular Foreign Body Using ONE Snare® System. Umair Munawar, DO; Varun G. Ramakrishnan, MD, Henderson M. Jones, MD, JD Wilfred Furtado, BA, Nana Ohene-Baah, MD,

Society of Thoracic Radiology (STR) 2023 Annual Meeting, Charleston, SC, March 5-8, 2023. Poster Presentation:  Endobronchial Valves – Radiology in Placement Workup and Complications.Nicholas Kemper, MS4, Tatiana Mamaliga, MD (presenter), Henderson Jones, JD, MD, Jose Antonio Obando, MD.

Society of Abdominal Radiology (SAR) 2023 Annual Meeting, Austin, TX, February 26-March 3, 2023. Educational Exhibit: Sonographic Findings in Post Renal Transplant Complications.  Rebecca L. Guan, MS4 Nicholas W. Kemper, MS4, Tatiana Mamaliga, MD (Presenter), Henderson M. Jones, MD, JD, Michael Dahle, DO.

American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR) 2023 Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, April 29 - May 3, 2023. Educational Exhibit Abstract ID: 1471, Simulation in Radiology Education Using a Virtual World (Metaverse), a Gather Implementation of a Supplemental Education Platform for Skull Base and Cranial Nerves. (Abstract Number: 1471), Brandt Currier, M.D.

2023 American Thoracic Society International Conference, Washington, DC., May 19-24, 2023.  Poster Presentation: #10982, An Uncommon Case of Shock in a Patient With COVID-19 Pneumonia. Vishal Somnay, MD, Samantha Baah, MD, Nana Ohene Baah, MD.

COVID-19-related arterio-ureteral fistula formation in a post-transplant patient. Radiology Case Reports. Volume 18, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 1015-1020. Adam L. Richardson, DO, Olivia K. Richardson, MD, PharmD, Nikolas J. Touloumes, DO, Nana Y. Ohene Baah, MD, RCR Radiology Case Reports

123rd ARRS Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, April 16-20, 2023. Educational Exhibit: E2879, Scintigraphic Shunt Studies in the Diagnosis of Hepatic Hydrothorax. Nicholas Kemper, Henderson Jones, MD, JD, Bryan Glaenzer.

123rd ARRS Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, April 16-20, 2023. Educational Exhibit: E2368, Bladder and Urethral Gunshot Wounds – Characterization of Imaging. Caleb Elmore, Nicholas Kemper, Rebecca Guan, Minh Tran, Henderson Jones, MD, JD, Jonathan Joshi, MD.