The Ed.S in Educational Administration is now accepting applications for 2025. This 30 credit hour and cohort based post master’s degree prepares aspiring school leaders to the helm of 21st century schools by providing in-depth contemporary education issues coupled with a Clinical Leadership model. This format will allow students to utilize hands-on skills to address challenges in K-12 education like never before.
Contact Debbie Powers,Ed.D or 502-852-6428.
In addition to the Education Specialist (Ed.S) degree, the ELEOD department also offers the Ed.D and Ph.D programs. Alternative certification programs are also available for Principalship and superintendent.
Specialist in Education in Educational Administration
Unit: College of Education and Human Development (GE)
Department: Educational Leadership, Evaluation, and Organizational Development
Program Webpage
The EdS (Education Specialist) degree in Educational Administration is a 30 credit hour, post-master's degree program. It can lead to certification in principalship, or supervisor of instruction.
The EdS program is designed to prepare school leaders to engage staff, improve the instructional capacity of schools, and deal effectively with the educational challenges of the 21st century. The goal of the EdS program is to provide field experience, clinical practice, and conceptual and theoretical knowledge necessary for roles in instructional leadership. The Department of Educational Leadership, Evaluation, and Organizational Development maintains a strong collaboration with school districts in preparing exemplary P-12 school administrators.
The candidate's admission packet must demonstrate his/her skills and understanding of the following: ability to improve student achievement, leadership, and advanced knowledge of curriculum, instruction, and assessment. Candidates applying for admission are jointly screened by both the University of Louisville faculty and local school district personnel.
Application deadline is May 15, 2025
The Ed.S in Educational Administration program is accepting applications now for the Fall 2025 cohort. Seats are limited. Based on the redesign of the program, we encourage you to apply now and reserve your seat for this 21st century program. For more information about the exciting changes coming, contact Dr. Debbie Powers.
Please have transcripts sent to:
School of Interdisciplinary and Graduate Studies
University of Louisville
Louisville, KY 40292
If transcripts are sent electronically,
please have them sent to the following e-mail: gradadm @
This program is open to all eligible faculty, staff, and students regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age.
William Kyle Ingle (Ph.D., Florida State University) is an associate professor and assistant chair in the Department of Educational Leadership, Evaluation, and Organizational Development at the University of Louisville. He currently serves as the director of the Ph.D. program in Educational Leadership and Organizational Development. Prior to his current academic appointment, Dr. Ingle served as associate professor at Bowling Green State University (BGSU) in Ohio. Before beginning his doctoral studies, Dr. Ingle was employed by the Jackson County (Mississippi) School District. His research interests include human resource functions in education, the politics of education, and economic evaluations of education programs. His research has been published in journals such as the American Educational Research Journal, American Journal of Education, Educational Administration Quarterly, Education Finance and Policy, Educational Policy, Leadership and Policy in Schools, Policy Studies Journal, School Business Affairs, Journal of Educational Administration, Journal of Education Finance, Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership, Journal of Research on Leadership Education, Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, Education and Urban Society, and the Journal of Education Policy.
Mary Brydon-Miller, Ph.D. is Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership, Evaluation, and Organizational Development in the College of Education and Human Development, University of Louisville. She is a participatory action researcher who conducts work in both school and community settings. She is the editor, with David Coghlan, of the SAGE Encyclopedia of Action Research and recently completed work on Ethics in Participatory Research for Health and Social Well-Being: Cases and Commentaries with her colleague Sarah Banks from Durham University in the United Kingdom. She is currently working with middle-school students from around the world to better understand the impacts of climate change.
Jason Immekus, PhD is Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership, Evaluation, and Organizational Development in the College of Education and Human Development, University of Louisville. He was recently awarded the 2019 Cutting Edge Research Award from the Association of Human Research Development and, is the Co-Chief Editor for Frontiers in Education, Quantitative Psychology and Measurement.
Kentucky Educator Placement Service
P-12 School and District Administration in the following certification areas:
For general information on financial aid resources, please visit the University of Louisville's Student Financial Aid Office web site.
The CEHD has its own web pages dedicated to financial aid that contains some extra information not listed here.
The CEHD has a long history of offering scholarships to prospective and current students pursuing an education degree program. The CEHD provides over $225,000 annually and selects recipients three times a year. Scholarship selection is competitive and applies to tuition only. Apply online for a CEHD scholarship before the deadline (March 1st, June 1st and/or October 1st). Applicants should expect notification four to five weeks after the posted deadline.
In recognition of valuable service to the preparation of teachers and the need for all teachers to have continual professional growth, a supervising teacher or a resource teacher for teacher interns may, with prior approval of the course-offering institution, take a maximum of six (6) credit hours per term at any public postsecondary institution and pay no tuition. The postsecondary institution shall waive the tuition up to a maximum of six (6) credit hours.
To apply, you must complete the Tuition Waiver Certification for Supervising and Resource Teachers Application [PDF]. It should be completed by the supervising teacher, certified by their principal, and returned to our office. Return the form to the Student Financial Aid Office at U of L, attention: Wesley Partin.
Eligibility: 6 credit hours of tuition benefits for each semester served as a full responsibility supervising or resource teacher, or 3 credit hours of tuition benefits for each semester served as a shared supervising or resource teacher. Students may exercise the tuition waiver option up to twelve months following the assignment. Tuition benefits are paid directly to the University of Louisville.
1. I have some credit hours from another program/university. Can the credit be transferred?
Once you are admitted to the program, you may request to transfer up to 6 credit hours if your faculty advisor approves the request. Transfer requests are then submitted to the School of Interdisciplinary and Graduate Studies for final approval.
2. Can I obtain Rank I pay status while enrolled in the Ed.S. program?
An Ed.S. is a 30-hour post-masters degree program which qualifies candidates for a Rank I pay increase.
3. Which master's degree should I pursue before applying to the Ed.S. program?
The administration faculty recommend that you apply to the Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Teacher Leadership offered by the Department of Teaching and Learning. This is a master's program that would be beneficial to someone who aspires to a leadership position. Consult a faculty advisor in the Department of Teaching and Learning for further information.
4. Will I qualify for financial aid while enrolled in the Ed.S. program?
Yes, if you are enrolled in a degree program, you may qualify for financial aid. Check with the Financial Aid Office to verify your specific status with regard to obtaining financial aid while enrolled in the post-master's Ed.S. degree program.
5. Is educational administration certification for any grade level?
Yes, certification in educational administration is a P-12 certification.