Community Engagement

Addressing the needs and interests of our communities locally, statewide, nationally and internationally.

University Community Partnership Board Meeting

When Nov 19, 2019
from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM
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The mission of the University Community Partnership (UCP) Advisory Board is to support the university's strategic objectives in building mutually beneficial partnerships and positive relationships with key community - based organizations and activities.  UCP will advise and assist the university administration and academic units in building effective partnerships and relationship in the community.  UCP will be concerned with building effective university/community partnerships throughout the Louisville metropolitan area, but will have a special emphasis on building partnerships with the African American community, ethnic minorities, and economically disadvantaged neighborhoods.

Specifically, UCP will work to:

  • Facilitate on-going dialogue and discussion between the university and community on key issues affecting the community which the university could help address.
  • Identify and prioritize key community issues, projects, and organizations in which the university should engage for mutual benefit of community and university.
  • Recommend to the President projects or issues of strategic importance to the community and university, which the university should commit to address.
  • Appoint and develop task committees as appropriate to carry out the work/activities of the UCP Board.

The UCP Board is appointed by the university president and is composed of members representing both community and the university.  A representative from the community, and a representative from the university shall serve as co-chairs of the board.  The term of appointment for board members will be three-years and the terms will be staggered among the members.  Members whose term expire may be reappointed by the university president.

The Office of Community Engagement will provide administrative support to UCP.  The UCP will meet bi-monthly and submit an annual report of its activities to the president.

Community Engagement

University of Louisville

2309 S 3rd St

Louisville, KY 40208

(502) 852-6026

Office Hours

M-F 8:30am to 5:00pm

No holiday hours

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