University of Louisville
2309 S 3rd St
Louisville, KY 40208
Community Engagement
Addressing the needs and interests of our communities locally, statewide, nationally and internationally.
Through the efforts of our faculty, staff and students, we have earned recognition as a “Research 1” university and a “Community Engaged” university by the Carnegie Foundation. Of more than 4,000 universities in the cou ntry, UofL is one of only 102 that can claim both distinctions.
2026 Reclassification Workgroup Microsoft Teams site - The workgroup's mission is to uphold and enhance the University's commitment to community engagement and outreach. Through rigorous research, analysis, and strategic planning, we aim to ensure that our institution continues to meet the highest standards set by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching in this critical area.
University of Louisville Carnegie Workgroup (PDF)
Carnegie Notification Letter (PDF)
Carnegie Executive Summary (PDF)
Carnegie Application 2015 (PDF)
15 Exemplary Partnerships Grid (PDF)
University of Louisville Carnegie Workgroup (Word document)
Carnegie Classification for Community Engagement (Powerpoint presentation) Engagement Academy for University Leaders, June 13, 2008
Carnegie Executive Summary (Word document)
Carnegie Application 2008 (Word document)
Community Engagement Partnership Grid 2008 (Excel document)
Community Service Awards (Word document)
Community Partners (Word document)
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